Mirabel x insecure fem reader

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Requested by: ThatOneAizawaSimp

(Yeah for the fourth time, me again!)

Tw: cursing

-Y/N's POV-

I was on my morning run per usual. I had recently started exercising daily. I had been trying out a new route that went through a small forest behind the Casita. I knew Mirabel would occasionally be out here but never really this early.

"Y/N! Hey! Wait up!" I looked behind me to see Mirabel. She was running towards me, out of breath. "Hey, *le gasp for air* whatcha doing out, *another gasp* here this early?"

"I always go on a morning run around this time. Gotta stay in shape."

"Seriously? You're the most healthy person I know. I barely see you eat anything besides salads. And who the hell goes running in pants and long sleeves? It's hot out! You've gotta be over heating!"

"I do this every day because I need to stay in routine. Keep up good health. I'm used to the heat, I feel fine."

"You also look fine, like hot damn!" Mirabel often flirted with me. It was nothing new.

"Stop being gay."

"Sheesh, fine. Can I join you for the remainder for your run? Then you could come over to the Casita!"

"Sure, just keep up."

We ran for a few more minutes before I noticed Mirabel getting tired. For the small rest of the run I slowed down to a jog so she could keep up better. Soon we got out of the forest and began walking to the Casita. Once we were closer to the Casita, Mirabel grabbed my hand started speed walking.

After stepping through the front doors we went upstairs to her room. She flopped onto her bed and looked at the ceiling. "I'm tired. How do you do that everyday, N/N?"

"I wouldn't question it." I walked over to her wardrobe and opened it. I pulled out a gray hoodie with a bunch of embroidery around the collar and on side. Mirabel sat up and grinned at me as I put it on. Every time I came over I always stole this hoodie.

"Again? Honestly you should just keep it at this point."

"Say that and I might."

"I wouldn't complain. Why do you love that hoodie so much anyway?"

"It's pretty, oversized, and I just do."

"Okay then." She laid back on her bed and hugged a pillow. "You know, I've known you for years, and I've and you're always wearing long sleeves. Even on the hottest summer days. I wanna know why."

"Because I don't like myself. And I don't want other people to see me and to judge me for it. So I cover up, often wear oversized clothing, and no one knows shit."

"Aww, come here!" Mirabel sat up and held her arms out for me. I sat in front of her on the bed and she pulled me into a hug. "My poor, thief of a best friend."

"Thief? I didn't steal shit!"

"Yes. Yes you did.

"Okay then, what did I steal?"

"My heart!" She put her hand on her forehead and grabbed my arm. Then she fell back on the bed and took me with her.

"Dramatic and gay I see."

"Like your any different!"

"Yeah yeah whatever." And BOOYAH! My stomach growled. "Shut up you greedy jerk!"

"Are you yelling at your stomach?"

"What's it look like?"

"My mama made arepas! I'll go get you a few!" And with that she ran out of the room. I feel abandoned. Talk about attachment issues. I miss her already. Cue dramatic gasp! I'm bored.

A few minutes later Mirabel came back with food and looked at me. "How is it that every time I see you, you get more beautiful?"

"Very funny Mirabel." I took an arepa from her and began eating.

"How's it feel always being the most gorgeous person in the room?"

"I dunno, how does it feel, Mira?"

A light pink spread over her face. "I- No fair!"

"You can flirt with me but I can't with you? That's not fair Mira."

"Okay fine. Let's go then."

"You don't mean-"

"Oh I mean! Dolores get everyone in here! I'm assuming she's gonna do what I say." We waited for a few minutes before all the Madrigals came into the room. "Great! Thanks Dolores. Ready Y/N?"


"Okay, I'll start! If you were a taser you'd be set to 'stun'." Her family was most definitely confused.

"If beauty was a time, you'd be infinity."

"If you were a stake you'd be well done."

"See my friend over there?" I pointed at Isabela. "She wants to know if you think I'm cute."

"I never need to see the sun again because your eyes light up my world."

"You make me want to wish I want gay."

"It's not my fault I fell for you! You tripped me!" Mirabel is running low on good pick up lines to use in front of her family. And so am I. This is going to get bad soon. But her family had started to understand what was happening.

"I can't move, you're so beautiful you blind me."

"If I were a cat I'd spend all nine lives with you."

"Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you?"

"In my opinion there are only three kinds of beautiful; cute, pretty, and hot. Somehow you manage to be all three." Mirabel's face began turning pink but she isn't about to back down now.

"When you go to sleep at night do you dream of more ways to make me like you?" By now Alma, Antonio, Augustine, Julieta, Felix, Pepa, Isabela, Dolores, and Luisa and left. I guess the didn't really care or had better things to do. That left only Camilo and Bruno watching this go down.

"I'm out of pick up lines, Mira."

"Okay last one then! Your lips seem lonely, would they like to meet mine?"

"They would actually."

"Wait, what.?"

"Oooo!" Camilo and Bruno spoke in unison.

"Primo! Tío! Get out!" Mirabel threw pillows at them until they left.

"Mira. I meant it." I She looked back at me, her face turning red. "I love you, Mirabel."

"I- I love you too N/N!"

(BAM! Gay shit complete!)

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