Julieta x fem reader

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I'm not dead! Just sad. So now I have decided to write once more! This does not mean I will keep up with writing, don't get your hopes up. And in the past month my writing format has kinda changed a bit.

Tw: curing, mention of nsfw, and a big age gappp!

In this oneshot Julieta is fiftey and Y/N is 21 and besties with Isa


"Y/N!" Isabela snapped around you as you not-so-subtly, starred at her mothers ass as the woman worked. You hummed in response to your name but didn't look away. "Stop checking out my mom!"

"Huh?! I am not!" You yelled a bit too loud, making Julieta look over at the two of you.

"Yes you are! Why do you have to be such a dick? She doesn't like you!" Isabela yelled back, showing no mercy. Her mother seemed concerned, no longer paying her work any mind.

"Be quiet! What would you know anyway? The only dick here I see is you!" You stood up now, mad at what she'd said.

Isabela stood up as well, glaring daggers at you. "She doesn't like you. She hates you! For always causing scenes and being a complete weirdo!" Julieta hated you? But she was always so kind... Was it some cruel joke? No. Isa must be lying.

"She doesn't hate me! But she must be ashamed of you! You're just a selfish bitch who only cares about her social status!" You gasped, coving your mouth with your hand. You'd gone too far and Isabela's silence only confirmed it. "I- I'm sorry.. I didn't mean- Isa..." She just ignored you, holding back tears as she ran to her room.

"Fuuuuuck..." You covered your face with your hands as you fell back into your chair. As much as you wanted to blame Isa, you were only mad at yourself.

Julieta, who you had forgotten was there, placed a hand on your shoulder. "What.." She struggled to find the right words. "What was that all about.?" She seemed hesitant to ask, not wanting any more yelling to ocure.

"It's all my fault, and I'm sorry. I just.. I just..." How could you tell her without being obvious? "Well I really like a woman, one who's much older than me. Worse? She's married and has a family! I feel bad, of course, I didn't mean to! But now Isa is mad at me for it. And apparently she hates me too... I didn't mean for this to happen, I really didn't.."

Julieta just listened, not removing her hand from its place on your shoulder. "How could anyone hate you? You're one of the nicest people in the village, Y/N." You had to stop from shivering as she said your name. "And I'm sure Isa will come around. Until then, you can always talk to me if you'd like!" She smiled and removed her hand at last.

"Yeah, okay. Thank you ma'am." You stood up to grab your things.

"Oh, Dios, no. Are you dying or something? You only call me ma'am if it's serious." It was half a joke, though she was genuinely worried.

"Or something. Would you rather I call you some cheesy nickname like always?" You grinned.

"Well of course. It's adorable. Plus it's how I make sure you're okay! You get really cheesy with the nicknames on especially good days. You use regular nicknames if it's an average or good day. Though you use my real name if your sad, maybe mad, and the day hasn't treated you well. But when you're being really serious about something, you call me ma'am."

"Am I really that readable? I need to work on that.." You starred down at your notebook and pen in your hands. You'd always carried them with you. You liked writing fun little stories. Or writing down a quote from someone to use against them later.

"Oh! Well I would be off then! I need to get some work done. I can apologize to Isa tomorrow. So mind if I come over for breakfast?" You stood up once more, facing the older woman.

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