Kaijou Highschool

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That was Kurosaki Yuuki's first day of school at Kaijou Highschool. She was alone on her way to school because her childhood friends have gone overseas or to other schools, but that didn't bother her because she was so exited to meet her new classmates.

She had golden eyes and red hair that reached her shoulders.
She was wearing Kaijou's girl uniform even though she didn't like it that much because it was way too grey. Yuuki was holding her bag on her right shoulder while walking through the crowd which had formed because of school clubs.

"Yo, redhead!" a male voice said.

Yuuki stopped on her spot and turned back to see the guy who talked. He had short, spiky black hair, large, sharp steel blue eyes, thick eyebrows and he was of average height and build.

"Me?" she whispered pointing at herself.

"Yeah, sorry for the 'redhead' thing." he apologized scratching his nape. "I don't know your name."

"I'm Kurosaki Yuuki. Nice to meet you." she said bowing.

"I'm Kasamatsu Yukio. Nice to meet you too." he bowed.

"May I help you?" Yuuki smiled.

"I've noticed your keychain in the shape of a basketball and I wondered if you wanted to join our team." Kasamatsu said pointing at the table behind him where other members of the basketball team were asking kouhais to join their club.

Yuuki looked at her keychain hanging from her bag.

"Sorry but I won't join any club." Yuuki said a little embarrassed.

"Oh, don't worry. Sorry for bothering you." Kasamatsu bowed slightly.

"That wasn't a bother, Kasamatsu-senpai." Yuuki smiled again. "Have a nice day!" she said bowing.

"Have a nice day!" he said sitting down.

~After classes~

"What a nice day!" Yuuki stretched looking out of the window as soon as the bell rang.

She run out of the building and went towards the basketball court in the backyard. As soon as she arrived she opened her bag, took a basketball and a pair of large shorts. Then she opened up her shirt, put on her shorts and put off her skirt. At the end she was wearing a grey undershirt, a pair of red shorts and her red shoes.

After preparing herself, she started dribbling and shooting for almost an hour, until a male voice interrupted her.

"You're amaizing!" he said.

She turned around quickly and sighed.

"Kasamatsu-sanpai, you scared me!" Yuuki said holding the basketball in her left hand while the right one was on her flat chest.

"Sorry!" he said. "Why are you playing out here?"

"I like to play outside."

"What if it rains?" he arched his left eyebrow.

"I'd play as well." she stated.

"As if I'd let a girl play under the rain..." he said facepalming. "Why don't you use our gym after our practice?"

"May I?" Yuuki said with sparkling eyes.

"Of course!" Kasamatsu laughed.

"Then I'll clean the gym after that."

"Dea- wait, what?" his eyes widened.

"Deal. I'll clean the gym." she said proud of herself.


"Pleeeease!" Yuuki begged.

"Fine." he said and Yuuki's smile got wider. "But I'll stop you as soon as I see that you can't handle it."

"Thank you so much, Kasamatsu-senpai!" she bowed. "I'll come and see your practice as soon as the club activities start!"

"She bows a lot..." Kasamatsu thought.

"Alright! See you Kurosaki-chan."

"See you, Kasamatsu-senpai!" she said and then got back to play.

Hi there!
This is my first story... I know I'm not good at writing 'cause my writing-skill is under my feet but I wanted to share with you my story :)
I made some changes at the original story like:
-Kasamatsu Yukio is just a year older than the Generation of Miracles;
-Kise isn't a model but a singer (I don't like models that much);
-There may be some OOC.

Have a nice day,
'Insert a cool name'

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