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~Next Friday evening~

Yuuki was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling.

"I'm bored..." she thought. "And hungry."

"Yuuki, we're back!" Aiko said opening the door.

"Welcome back." she got up and smiled. "Do you need help?" she asked approaching her mother.

"No, don't worry!" Haru said. "My princess has to rest after her practice!"


"Ah-ah. Don't you dare saying it wasn't tiring!" he said walking into the kitchen.

Yuuki took her phone and laid back on the couch.

"I know Daiki is out today because he has a meeting with his teammates but..." she thought as she was staring at her phone screen.

Yuuki: I wish you were here.

Aomine took out his phone and opened the message.

"Who is it, Dai-chan?" Momoi asked. "Is it Yuu-chan?"

"Aww..." he thought ignoring his childhood friend. "So damn cute!"

Yuuki: With a bunch of food. I'm hungry.

"What the-?!" Aomine exclaimed looking at the screen.

"What's wrong?" one of his teammates asked. "Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have asked since it's none of my business!"

"Nothing." Aomine mumbled.

"And I've just called her 'cute'. The hell!" he thought and started to type.

Aomine: I'm out with the team, there's no way they'll let me escape. That was quite rude, by the way.

Yuuki: I was being sincere. My parents just got home from the grocery store. I'm suuuper hungry (╥﹏╥)

Aomine: Your parents are back, just wait a little more.

Yuuki: I think I'll ask Testu to come over. I'm sure he'll be happy to sleep here.

Aomine: How did we end up here? You can't tell your boyfriend another guy is sleeping at your house! You sure are one of a kind, woman!

"Yuuki, can you lay the table?" Aiko asked. "You're father cut his index with the knife."

Yuuki: What are you trying to say, man? (ง'̀-'́)ง

"Sure!" Yuuki said getting up.

"I'm dying!" Haru cried crocodile tears placing his head on Aiko's left shoulder. "Aiko~"

"Come on, is just a little scratch." Aiko reassured him placing his finger under a stream of cold water. "See?"

Aomine: Nevermind. Did Tetsu accept?

"I love you, Aiko." he exclaimed hugging her.

"I love you too, Haru." she smiled and broke the hug. "But there's no way I'm letting you cook with that."

"But it's just a scratch!" he whined.

"No buts." she smiled and turned towards the sink. "Just sit down and relax, Haru."

Yuuki chuckled at her parents behaviour and finished laying the table.

"Done." she said and approached her mother. "Is it a problem if I ask Tetsu to come over?"

"No problem for me." Aiko smiled. "Is it ok for you, Haru?"

"As long as it's not that kid I'm fine." he said crossing his arms on his chest.

Dreams Come True If You Just Believe (Aomine Daiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now