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~Two weeks later~

Aomine: Oi! What are you doin'?

Yuuki: Hi! I'm on the couch and I'm eating a sandwich. You?

Aomine: What would you do if I were there next to you?

Yuuki: I'd eat my sandwich.

Aomine: What would you do if I were there next to you and you didn't have the sandwich?

Yuuki: I'd get up and I'd go to the kitchen to make a sandwich.

Aomine: I thought girls don't eat more than a guy. I guess you're not a girl.

Yuuki: I am, Ahomine!

Aomine: Your chest says otherwise. And keep calling me Daiki.

Yuuki: Are you looking for a fight? (ง'̀-'́)ง

Aomine: I wanna see you.

Yuuki: I ain't gonna get out of my house 'cause I have to bake some muffins.

Aomine: I'll be there in 5 minutes, shortie.

As soon as he sent the message he got out of his room and run to Yuuki's house. Once he got there he knocked on the door and after half a minute Yuuki opened it.

"You look really hot in that apron of yours, ya know?" he stated getting inside.

"Yeah, yeah." she said closing the door. "If you don't mind, I'm going to bake some muffins!" she said pulling up her sleeves.

"Then I'm going to be the official taster." he said putting off his shoes and followed her into the kitchen.

~After an hour~

Aomine admitted that Yuuki was good at cooking and that those muffins looked really delicious but he couldn't accept that he was jealous of those things. He couldn't accept the fact that those muffins drew her attention more than him.

"Do you think I should put more frosting?" Yuuki asked still looking at the muffin.

"You're the expert." Aomine replied a little irritated looking away.

"But you're the official taster. If you don't like it, I would have wasted time, time that I could have spend with you." Yuuki smiled looking at him.

Aomine looked at a muffin, grabbed it and ate it.

"It's good." he said. "Like every single thing you cook."

Yuuki smiled and placed the muffins on the kitchen table.

"May I eat another muffin?" he said getting closer to Yuuki.

"And what will you give me in return?" Yuuki smiled turning towards him.

He placed his hands on the table behind Yuuki so that she couldn't escape.

"This." he said leaning closer to Yuuki.

She shut her eyes thinking that he was about to kiss her but he licked her nose where he saw a little bit of frosting. Yuuki opened her eyes and saw Aomine walking towards the living-room with another muffin that he had just stolen.

~Next day, after classes~

Yuuki decided to go to Touou Accademy to meet her friend Kazuto who was attending that highschool.

"They should be at school right now because of practice, right?" she thought.

Walking down the yard she saw Kazuto standing next to the gym door.

Dreams Come True If You Just Believe (Aomine Daiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now