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~Next Saturday~

Yuuki and Aomine were walking towards the abandoned building next to the court because they decided to eat together on the rooftop. Once they got there Aomine said he wanted to go to the upper rooftop so Yuuki started to climb the metal latter.

"Don't you think I should go before you?" he asked looking up.

"Why?" she asked stopping.

"Aren't those the one I gave you?"

"What?!" she looked down blushing. "You haven't just seen m-"

"I saw your underwear." he cut her off. "And I can tell those are the one I gave you for your birthday."

"Damn!" Yuuki thought pushing her skirt on her back.

"That's why you should climb ladders after boys." he stated crossing his hands behind his head. "By the way, nice view you're showing."

"Shut up!" she stated climbing as fast as she could.

Yuuki opened her bag and took out her bento as Aomine reached her. Then he sat beside her and took his sandwiches out of his bag.

"What is it?" Aomine asked pointing at Yuuki's bento.

"Rolled eggs and rice." Yuuki said separating her chopsticks. "Thanks for the meal!" she said and started to eat.

"Is it good?" he asked eating his sandwich.

"Yes." she nodded smiling. "Do you want to try?"

"I don't have chopsticks."

"I'll let you use mine." Yuuki smiled handing him her bento with her chopsticks in it.

"You really want to kiss me indirectly, don't you?" Aomine smirked ruffling Yuuki's hair.

"Uh?" she blushed. "T-That's-"

"Too late." he said taking her bento. "I want to eat it now."

Yuuki froze as Aomine ate a part of her bento.

"Woo, it's good." he said handing her the food. "You should cook for me more often."

"I didn't cook it for you, Ahomine!" she bushed taking the box. "But I'm glad you liked it."

~Two days later~

"Yuuki, we asked Akashi to prepare some papers for us but he's too busy." Aiko said. "Since you know his son, may you take those papers? We have to go to work now."

"Why don't you ask him to send them?" Yuuki asked and sat to eat her breakfast.

"We need them for tomorrow morning."

"Ok, then!" Yuuki smiled and took her phone.

Yuuki: Seijuro, are you free today?

Akashi: No, I have basketball practice. Why?

Yuuki: Nevermind. See you!

"See you?" Akashi thought. "Strange."

"I guess I'll go to Kyoto after classes." Yuuki said closing her phone.

"Thank you so much, Aiko! Take care!" her mother said and took her bag.

"What? Are you planning on going alone?" Haru exclaimed. "No way! My little princess is in danger!"

"I'm not." she chuckled.

~After classes~

Yuuki run towards the train station and took the train that led to Kyoto. Once she reached her destination she run towards Rakuzan High. It took her a while to find the gym because that school was huge.

Dreams Come True If You Just Believe (Aomine Daiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now