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Twelve years later Yuuki and Aomine were eating in the kitchen of their own house. They've gotten married three years before when they were 24. They decided to have a child and Yuuki was six months pregnant.

"That was delicious as always, Yuuki." Aomine said placing his empty plate in the sink.

"Thank you, Daiki." she smiled. "But I'm washing the dishes."

"Oh, come on! Just today? You can't work too much." he sighed and sat lazily on his chair.

"It's not a problem at all." she got up and washed the dishes on her own while Aomine stared at her.

"Take a picture." she said without looking at him. "It'll last longer."

"..." Aomine got up and hugged her from behind, resting his hands on her tummy. "I love you more than basketball."

"That's a lie." she chuckled.

"It's not." he stated burying his face in her hair. "You smell nice."

Yuuki finished washing the dishes and walked towards the living-room but then realized Aomine was still hugging her while walking.

"You can let go now, you know..." she chuckled trying to break free.

"What about no, shortie?" he smirked and kissed her left cheek.

"I can't walk properly if you keep on holding me like this, Ahomine." she sighed.

"..." Aomine chuckled and hugged her tighter. "You're not stupid."

"Uh?" Yuuki frowned and looked at him who was smiling.

"You just called yourself 'aho'." he shook his head slightly before whispering in her left ear. "Aomine Yuuki."

Realization hit her and she buried her face in her hands causing Aomine to chuckle.

"Why are you hiding your face?" Aomine asked as he moved her hands out of the way. "I love it when you blush."

"Idiot." she murmured looking away.

Aomine turned her face towards him and leaned closer to kiss her but when they were just an inch apart the doorbell rang.

"If it's that Old Man again I'm gonna shut that damn door in his face." Aomine said walking away. "It's the fourth time this month he calls or comes here when I'm trying to kiss you."

"You counted them?" Yuuki said trying not to laugh.

"Shut up." he said and opened the door.

"Yo, brat!" Haru greeted and Aomine shut the door close. "Oi."

Yuuki smiled and opened the door.

"Hi, dad!"

"My lovely daughter!" Haru exclaimed hugging her.

"Don't be so loud, Haru." Aiko said patting his back. "You look tired, dear. You ok?"

"I'm good." Haru and Aomine said in unison. "What?"

"Will you ever stop copying me, brat?!" Haru said letting Yuuki go.

"Why would I ever want to copy you, Old Man?!"

"Mom, you should stop calling Daiki 'dear'. This happens everytime." Yuuki sighed facepalming.

"I guess you're right." Aiko smiled. "Let's go inside while they quarrel about it."

"Yeah." Yuuki chuckled following her mother inside leaving the two of them in the entrance hall.

~Five minutes later~

Dreams Come True If You Just Believe (Aomine Daiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now