First Basketball Practice

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~Two weeks later~

The club activities started and Yuuki decided to go to the gym to see basketball practice.



"Kise-kun, is so cool!"

"Where is he?"

Some girls gathered in front of the gym entrance.

"Kise-kun? Who are they talking about?" Yuuki thought.

Yuuki stopped 7 meters away from the gym, tightening her grip on her bag, which was on her left shoulder.

"How am I supposed to get in the gym?" she said tying her hair in a high ponytail and sighed.

"Pretty crowded, isn't it?" a guy said standing beside her.

"Yeah... I guess I should just go home." Yuuki said looking at the guy. He had blond hair and golden eyes just like Yuuki's, long eyelashes, he was tall and athletic and he was wearing Kaijou's uniform.

"Do you need to get into the gym?" he asked.

"Yes. I've promised Kasamatsu-senpai that I'd come to see basketball practice today." she sighed.

"Are you in love with Kasamatsu-senpai?" he smirked.

"No, I just admire him. I don't like him in that way." she replied gesturing. "Oh, I'm Kurosaki Yuuki, a freshman. Nice to meet you." she bowed.

"So formal." he thought.

"I'm Kise Ryouta, a second year. Nice to meet you too." he bowes awkwardly.

Yuuki put her left hand on her mouth and chuckled.

"What are you laughing for?" Kise pouted.

"Looks like you're not so used to... this." Yuuki said moving her hands in the space between the two of them.

"It's not like I introduce myself every day, you know." he said scratching his nape.

"Uh?" Yuuki frowned.

"You really don't know me?" Kise pouted.

"Sorry, I'm really bad at recognising people that are not my childhood friends or part of my family." she apologized.

"This is going to be interesting." Kise thought.

"You need to get into the gym, right?" Kise changed the topic and Yuuki nooded. "I'll help you." he said putting his hands on Yuuki's shoulders.

"But... how? Can't you see the crowd, Kise-senpai?" she said while Kise started to push her.

"Trust me." he smiled walking towards the gym.

"Kise-kun!" some girls screamed when Yuuki and Kise got closer.

"Sorry, I need to get in there with my friend. Let me pass." Kise said still smiling.

"Don't push me, Kise-senpai! I can walk on my own." Yuuki said.

"You'll get lost in the crowd. You're so small." he said.

"There's no need to mark the fact that I'm just 1.56 meters tall." Yuuki thought.

Yuuki pouted but as soon as she got into the gym she gasped in amazement.

"I might cry." she said looking around.

"I won't judge." Kise said patting her head and then he went to a bench where the basketball team was.

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