Kaijou vs Touou

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~The next day~

"Yuu-chan, wake up!" Momoi said.

"Ok, mom." Yuuki said half asleep.

"I'm Satsuki." Momoi pouted. "I'm just one year older than you."

Yuuki got up in a flash.

"Oh, chuck. Sorry!" Yuuki said.

"Don't worry." Momoi smiled. "Oh, about your parents... are they aware that you're with me? You haven't called anyone yesterday."

"They moved to Akita because of their business." Yuuki said. "I live alone."

"How cool!" Momoi exclaimed. "I can let you sleep here more often now that I know it."

Yuuki chuckled and helped Momoi to fold their futon. After the two of them took a shower, they ate breakfast and headed to Yuuki's house so that she could take her clothes and books.

"Yuu-chan, do you want to come to see the match between Kaijou and Touou this late afternoon?" Momoi asked.

"Sure. Is it an official one?" Yuuki replied opening the door of her house.

"No, it isn't."

"I'm in!" Yuuki smiled.

~After Kaijou's basketball practice~

Yuuki practiced by herself after club activities and cleaned the gym.

By the time she placed the mop in the storage room, her phone rang.

"Who is it?" Yuuki whispered walking fast towards her bag. "Satsuki-chan?" she frowned reading the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Hi, Yuu-chan!" Momoi exclaimed. "Have you finished practice?"

"I've just finished." she said. "Why did you call me?"

"I just wanted to know if you finished practice. That's all."

"Ok! I'll be there as soon as I get out of the shower."

"I'll be waiting." Momoi smiled. "Bye!"


Yuuki run back home and get into the shower. After that she put her clothes on. She was wearing a blue skirt which reached her mid-thigh, a white T-shirt on which was written 'Dreams' in blue, a pair of black shoes and her hair was tied up in a high ponytail.

"Good." she said and then hurried to Touou Accademy.

Once she arrived she saw Momoi who was whining at her phone.

"Come on, Dai-chan! You can't skip this match too!" she said.

"What's wrong, Satsuki-chan?" Yuuki asked.

"Dai-chan is skipping again." she said closing her phone. "May you bring him here? I'm too busy with the team."

"Ok, where is he?"

"On the rooftop, I guess." Momoi said. "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome!" Yuuki smiled and then headed to the rooftop.

When Yuuki reached the rooftop she realized it was different from Kaijou's: this one had a kind of double rooftop, which could be reached by a metal ladder.

"This is amazing!" she said admiring the landscape.

Meanwhile Aomine was laying on the upper rooftop. He knew Yuuki had come to bring him to the gym so he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"This isn't the moment to admire the landscape!" Yuuki thought. "I have to find Aomine-senpai."

"Aomine-senpai? Are you here?" she called walking around the rooftop. "Are you up there?" she asked touching the cold ladder.

Hearing no reply she decided to climb the ladder.

"Aomine-sen- ops." Yuuki cut off herself as soon as she realized Aomine was sleeping. "Aomine-senpai?" she whispered getting closer. "You have a match, remember?"

No reply.

"Aomine-senpai!" she raised her voice a little crouching beside him on his right side. "Satsuki-chan is going to be mad at us." she said shaking Aomine's body.

Yuuki gave up and stood up.

"White?" Aomine mumbled with his right eye opened.

"So you're awake!" Yuuki pouted. "White?"

"Yup. I'm not color blind, ya know." he said pointing at her with his head.

Realization hit her and she pushed her skirt on her thighs.

"You pervert!" she shouted blushing.

"Wasn't I the one who was supposed to see them?" Aomine asked getting up.

"No, obiously!" Yuuki pouted.

"Ok, I won't tell Kise that I saw them." he waved his left hand towards Yuuki while scratching his nape with the other hand.

"Why Kise-senpai?"

"Nothing." he replied jumping from the rooftop.

"Mmh..." Yuuki frowned and did the same as Aomine.

"You shouldn't jump like that while you're wearing skirts, ya know." he said without looking at her.

"You saw them already." Yuuki pouted.

"Are you saying that you're going to wander around me showing your underwear just because I've seen them once?" he smirked opening the door. "Good for me."

"Stop it! The match will start in 15 minutes!" she said pushing him.

~At the gym~

"Where is he?" Yuuki whispered looking around. "Did he fall asleep again?"

"Nice pass!" Kasamatsu said to Kise while heating up.

"I know, Kasamatsu-senpai!" Kise exclaimed.

"They're really good." Yuuki thought looking at Kise.

"Kise!" Kasamatsu screamed kicking Kise's back.

"Have you confessed already?" Aomine said putting his right arm around Yuuki's neck.

"What?" Yuuki asked blushing because of Aomine who was talking near her left ear. "Anyways, you should be there with your team!"

"Mmh..." he murmured. "Look at my buzzer beater." he said stretching.

"Just go!" she pushed him towards the court.

At the end of the third quarter Kaijou was 1 point behind.

"Come on, Kaijou!" Yuuki thought. "You can do this!"

When there where two minutes left to the end of the match, Kise did a three-point shot copying Midorima.

117 - 115.

Then Aomine stole the ball and dunked after passing through Kaijou's defence.

117 - 117.

There were 30 seconds left. Kasamatsu was dribbling the ball trying to find an opening to pass the ball to Kise but Aomine was marking him.

"Ok, then." Kasamatsu whispered and did a three-point shot.

The ball hit the hoop and Aomine took the chance to steal the ball. He ran as fast as he could and dunked a buzzer beater.

"Awesome!" the crow screamed.

"He did that for real." Yuuki thought gasping in amazement. "That was perfect."

"Did you see that?" Aomine asked Yuuki as soon as he got out of the gym. He was the only one who got out.

"I did." Yuuki stated.

"Are you mad at me?" Aomine asked.

"No, I'm not." Yuuki smiled. "I'm glad I was able to see two members of the Generation of Miracles playing against each other."

Aomine smirked and sat on the bench outside the gym, next to Yuuki waiting for his teammates.

Hello everyone!
I don't know what to write here so... thank you for reading this story!
Hope you enjoyed,

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