June 18

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"Yukicchi~!" Kise called running towards her.

"Hi, Ryouta!" she smiled holding her books tightly.

"You know what day is today?" he asked smiling brightly.


"So mean, Yuukicchi!" he pouted. "Didn't you read our article?"

"Sorry, I'm confused. What are you talking about?"

"It's my birthday!"

"Oh, chuck!" she screamed. "I'm sorry! Happy birthday Ryouta!"

"I deserve a hug. A big bear hug." he said seriously.

Yuuki chuckled but eventually hugged him.

"Kise-kun!" a girl screamed and Kise broke the hug.

"Look! It's Kise!"

"Happy birthday, Kise-kun!"

"I know it's your birthday, but... may you sign this for me?" a girl asked.

"Sure!" Kise smiled taking the paper and the pen.

While Kise was signing, another girl touched his hair and he looked up smiling.

"Oh. My. Gosh!"

"I can't believe it! I touhed his hair!"

"Did you see that smile?"

"I think my hair is more famous than me now." Kise smiled.

Yuuki chuckled and headed to her class. As soon as she sat on her chair she received a message.

Kise: Why did you leave me, Yuukicchi? -3-

Yuuki: You were busy with your fangirls.

Kise: Then you'll eat with me at the rooftop. I won't accept a 'no'.

Yuuki: Ok, see you later, then! :)

Yuuki closed her phone when the teacher got into the class.

"What should I give him?" she thought. "I don't have time to go out and buy something before lunch break. Should I ask Aomine to buy something for me since he's not attending classes as usual?"

As soon as the History teacher got out of the class, Yuuki took her phone and sent Aomine a message.

Yuuki: Aomine, what are doing?

Aomine: You woke me up. Weren't you the one who said 'don't text me'? Are you falling for me already?

Yuuki: I was afraid of your perverted message, that's all. Are you free now?

Aomine: I can start to text you sometimes, if that's what you want. Do you want me to come there?

Yuuki: No. May you go and buy something for Ryouta for me?

Aomine: What will you give me in return?

Yuuki: Money? Since that will be my gift for him.

Aomine: Seriously? Money?

Yuuki: Wanna do it for free?

Aomine: Fine! But remember that I'm skipping classes because of you. Don't forget to tell Satsuki.

Yuuki: Yeah, yeah. May you come here later?

Aomine: Sure.

"Good!" she thought closing her phone as the teacher got into the room.

Dreams Come True If You Just Believe (Aomine Daiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now