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Yuuki was sick on Valentine's day because she played under the rain so she decided to stay at home and rest. On February 15 Yuuki went to the abandoned building because she wanted to give Aomine her chocolates. Once she arrived she saw that he was already there sitting on the rooftop floor, leaning against the wall so she sat beside him.

"I have to tell you something." he said placing his head on her left shoulder.

"What is it?" she asked tightening her grip on her bag that was on her right.

"Nah, too tired to talk." he stated and shifted his head to Yuuki's lap then he laid on his back and closed his eyes.

"Here." Yuuki said taking a package out of her bag. "Your chocolates for Valentine's day." she whispered placing them on his chest.

"You're one day late." he stated lazily opening his left eye.

"If you're awake then get off." she pouted and he sat up.

"May I kiss you?" he asked looking at the package.

"At least l-"

"May I?" he cut her off turning his face towards her and she nodded shyly.

Aomine leaned closer and kissed her gently.

"Thank you." he said laying back on her lap.

After a minute Yuuki touched her lips with her right hand and smiled but she didn't realize Aomine was looking at her.

"Thinking about me?" he smirked.

~Next day after classes~

Yuuki was walking towards the school gates with Kise when he saw Aomine waiting there leaning against the wall.

"Uh? Aominecchi!" Kise exclaimed waving.


"Oh, well, I better go now!" he said and turned towards Yuuki to hug her. "See you tomorrow, Yuukicchi~"

"Yeah..." she smiled patting his back.

Kise looked up to see Aomine staring at Yuuki.

"Aominecchi, will you stop staring at Yuuki's butt?" Kise asked breaking the hug chuckling making Yuuki blush.

"I'm not." he lied looking away.

"You were, dude."

"Ok, maybe I was."

"Maybe?" Kise said raising a brow. "I saw you there."

"Ok, ok. I was." he admitted. "Are you happy now?"

"Definitely." Kise laughed. "See you!" he waved walking away.

"What are you doing here?" Yuuki asked walking in the opposite direction.

"Satsuki kept on talking about Tetsu again so I run away." he explained following her.

"What about practice?"

"Coach had something else to do." he said crossing his arms behind his head and she hummed in response.

"What do you want to do now?" she asked.

"Basketball." he answered without hesitation.

"Sure. Let's go." she chuckled.

~Two days later~

Yuuki was reading a book when suddently her phone rang. She picked it up and answered the call.

"Oi, Yuuki."

"Is that you, Daiki?" she asked closing her book.

"Of course. Do you have anyone else in your contact list named 'Hottest guy ever'?"

Dreams Come True If You Just Believe (Aomine Daiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now