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~Next morning~

"Seijuro." Yuuki called after knocking at the guest room. "Seijuro."

"What?" he asked from Yuuki's back.

"You scared me!" Yuuki exclaimed turning towards him and putting her right hand on her chest. "Did Tetsu teach you how to scare people?"

"Sorry and... no."

"Breakfast is ready."

"Thank you." he said playing with his towel.

After breakfast Akashi went to the centre of Tokyo for his family business while Yuuki went to school.

~At school~

"Yuukicchi!" Kise shouted running towards her. "Yuukicchi! How are you?"

"Fine, Kise-senpai." Yuuki smiled walking towards the school gates. "What about you?"

"Everything's ok!"

"Look over there." Yuuki stated pointing at the school gates. "Fangirls."

"Oh, no! I wanted to talk to you a little more!" he pouted.

"Let's meet at lunch then. See you!" she smiled and headed to her class.

"See... you." he whispered and after a minute he was surrounded by his fangirls.

"What time is Akashi leaving?" Yuuki thought while the History teacher was talking. "I didn't prepare anything for lunch. He doesn't have my house keys anyways so he must go out to eat."

"Kurosaki-san." the teacher called. "May you read?"

"Uh?" Yuuki mumbled snapping out from her thoughts. "Oh, yes."

"Page 25, paragraph 3, line 7." a girls with violet eyes whispered smiling at Yuuki.

Yuuki's eyes widened as she looked at the girl.

"Thank you." Yuuki smiled back slightly getting up and started to read.

"So you were listening?" the teacher asked when Yuuki finished reading the paragraph.

The door bell rang marking the end of the lesson.

"I won't give you homework this time, but you have to study." the teacher said and then left.

"Kurosaki-san." the girl with violet eyes called. "Do you want to eat with us?" she asked holding her bento.

"Actually, I have another person who's waiting for me on the rooftop." Yuuki said taking her own bento. "I'm sorry. And thank you for the help." she said bowing.

"Don't worry, Kurosaki-san." the girl said. "Maybe next time."

"Sure, uhm... Machida-san, right?"

"Yes!" Machida smiled.

Yuuki smiled back slightly and run to the rooftop. There she met Kise who was panting.

"You're late." he said trying to catch his breath.

"And you're panting." she said sitting next to him.

"How come?" he asked opening his bento.

"How should I know? Your fangirls fault?" she laughed opening her bento.

"That's not what I meant, Yuukicchi!" he pouted.

"Oh, I was late because a classmate asked me to eat with her." she said and then started to eat.

"Is it good?" Kise asked.

"My bento?" she asked back pointing at her food with the chopsticks.

"No, your classmate request." he said and ate.

Dreams Come True If You Just Believe (Aomine Daiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now