A New Friend

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~Next morning~

"What's with your morning hair, Aomine?" Yuuki asked laughing.

"I call it my 'I have no future so what's the point' look." Aomine stated yawning.

"Don't you have plans for the future?"

"Do I really look like a guy with plans?" Aomine said walking towards the kitchen to eat breakfast and Yuuki followed him.

"Akashicchi, what did the ocean say to the other ocean?" Kise asked sitting on the kitchen chair.

"What?" Akashi asked a little annoyed by the energetic morning Kise.

"Nothing, they just waved."

"Is he serious?" Akashi thought. "If I only had my scissors..."

"Do you sea what I did there?" Kise smiled.

"No." Akashi replied.

"I'm shore you do."

"How do you have friends?" Aomine asked facepalming.

"Don't be such a beach!" Kise pouted.

"Just another joke and I'll seriously kill you, Kise." Aomine said ruffling his own hair.

Kise pouted and then everyone started to eat their breakfast.

"This is good." Kuroko stated.

"Thank you, Tetsu." Yuuki smiled.

"When did you cook this, Kurosaki?" Midorima asked.

"Before you woke up."

"Are you saying you woke up on your own to cook for us?!" Aomine exclaimed.

"That's exactly what I said."

"You're crazy!" he stated eating.

"This is so good!" Murasakibara exclaimed eating.

"Thank you, Murasakibara-senpai." Yuuki smiled.

"Call me Atsushi. My last name is so long."

"I've helped too." Momoi pouted.

"Satsuki..." Aomine placed his right hand on Momoi's shoulder. "No."

"We would be dead if you did." Midorima said.

"We know that every single thing you cook is uneatable." Murasakibara said eating.

"So mean!" Momoi pouted.

"Kurosaki, you're really good at cooking." Akashi said.

"Thank you." Yuuki smiled.

After that Momoi and Yuuki changed their clothes in the kitchen while the others changed in the living-room.

"Wear the underwear that I gave you, Yuuki!" Aomine said raising his voice.

"Shut up, Ahomine!" Yuuki shouted.

"Aomine-kun..." Kuroko muttered.

Once everybody changed, they met in the living-room.

"I had fun." Kise exclaimed. "Let's do this more often."

"I agree. That was fun." Aomine smirked looking at Yuuki.

Kise was about to sneeze but he stopped.

"Dear sneeze if you're going to happen, happen." Kise pouted. "Don't put a stupid look on my face and leave!"

"I hate when it happens." Momoi said.

"When are you going to leave Tokyo, Akashi-senpai? Atsushi?" Yuuki asked.

Dreams Come True If You Just Believe (Aomine Daiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now