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Yuuki was peacefully reading a book on the rooftop until an hyperactive blonde opened the door and rushed towards her.

"Yuukicchi! Akashicchi and Murasakibaracchi came here so let's go out together and play!" Kise exclaimed hugging her from behind.

"What about practice?" Yuuki asked closing the book.

"We don't have practice today because the coach has a meeting today. Are you coming with us?"

"Uhm... sure!" Yuuki smiled and got up breaking the hug.

~After classes~

"Yuukicchi, hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Kise said grabbing her left wrist pulling her towards the park where Akashi and Murasakibara were.

"So, when are the others coming?" Murasakibara asked eating a Maibou once they all sat on a bench.

"They should be on their way here." Kise said. "Kurokocchi and Midorimacchi don't have practice today but Aominecchi said he'd skip."

"Isn't that Kise-kun?" a girl asked to her friend.

"Oh, sh- you're right!" the other squealed. "Kise-san!" the two waved.

"Oh, I should have dressed up." Kise facepalmed then a group of girls surrounded him and dragged him away.

"So... we lost him." Akashi said looking at the girls.

A minute later Aomine and Kuroko approached them.

"Good afternoon, Yuuki-san, Akashi-kun, Murasakibara-kun." Kuroko bowed and they nodded acknowledging his presence.

"Good arvo!" Aomine waved lazily and sat on Yuuki's lap.

"What the-?! Get off!" Yuuki exclaimed.

"Where is Kise?" Aomine asked ignoring her. "He's the one who told us to come."

"He's there." Murasakibara said pointing at the crowd.

"Hello." Midorima said pushing his glasses on his nose bridge while holding a frog plush in his left hand.

"You're late." Akashi stated.

"You're gonna get our drinks since you're late." Murasakibara said.

"What? Why?" Midorima asked widening his eyes.

"I'm gonna grab Ryouta." Yuuki said walking away as soon as she managed to make Aomine get up.

"I'm coming with you since you're a midget." Murasakibara said getting up.

"How sweet, Atsushi." Yuuki said in a sarcastic tone after taking two deep breaths.

The two of them reached the crowd and Yuuki tried to look for Kise but she failed because she was too small to walk through the girls without being hurt.

"I can't see Ryouta." Yuuki pouted.

"He's there." Murasakibara pointed at the center of the crowd.

"Uh? I can't see him!"

Murasakibara placed his food on the bench that was next to him, put his hands on Yuuki's waist and lifted her.

"Hey! What are you-?"

"You can see him now, right?" he cut her off.

"Yeah... Ryouta! Come back, we're waiting!" she shouted.

Kise turned towards her, smiled and apologized to his fangirls that eventually let him go.

"That was cool, Atsushi." Yuuki stated walking back once he put her down. "Being tall is cool!"

Dreams Come True If You Just Believe (Aomine Daiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now