Girls' Talk

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~At the mini-market~

"Thank you for the popsicle, Kise-senpai!" Yuuki said.

"You're welcome." Kise smiled. "But... why did I have to pay for all of us again?"

"Because you're a singer and you have extra money." Midorima said pushing his glasses on his nose bridge.

"We told you once, Kise-kun." Kuroko said eating his popsicle.

"Akashicchi is rich too!" Kise pouted.

"Really?" Yuuki asked surprised.

"Haven't you read an article about us?" Akashi asked looking at his popsicle stick.

"Yes, but it just talked about your talent, nothing else." Yuuki stated and looked at her popsicle stick too. "I won."

"What?!" Aomine exclaimed putting his left arm around Yuuki's neck.

"This is the second time that I see a winning stick." Kise said. "Kurokocchi found the first one."

"Aka-chin lost." Murasakibara said eating his third popsicle.

"Shut up." Akashi said throwing his stick at him.

"Let's go and take your price!" Aomine said pulling Yuuki's arm.

"What did you say, Murasakibaracchi?" Kise asked.

"Nothing." he said after feeling Akashi's death glare on him.

"Murasakibaracchi? How can you even say it without biting your tongue?" Yuuki laughed.

"His name isn't long enough, Kise decided to make it even longer." Midorima said.

Then Aomine pulled Yuuki inside the mini-market.

"Good arvo." Aomine said to the man behind the cash desk.

"Good afternoon." Yuuki said.

"She won." Aomine said raising Yuuki's right hand, where she was holding her stick.

"It's the second time you bring here someone who won, isn't it?" the man smiled.

"Yup." Aomine smiled.

"Is she your girlfriend?" the man asked taking two packages of popsicle.

"No, she's too flat." Aomine replied pointing at Yuuki's chest.

"I won't kill you because there's a witness." Yuuki thought.

The man smiled and put the packages in a plastic bag.

"Here it is, lucky girl." he said giving Yuuki the bag.

"Thank you, sir." Yuuki smiled.

"Have a nice day!" he smiled back.

"You too." she said and then she went back to the others with Aomine.

"What do you mean you didn't look at it, Akashicchi?" Kise pouted.

"I threw it away. Stop it." Akashi stated.

"What's up?" Aomine asked.

"Akashi threw away his stick." Midorima said.

"Did you lose?" Yuuki asked smiling gently.

"She's going to die." Murasakibara thought. "What a shame, I liked her."

"Yuuki-san will die." Kuroko thought.

"Testu-kun!" a girl screamed hugging Kuroko from behind.

"Momoi-san." Kuroko said. "I can't breath."

The so-called Momoi-san had long, bright pink hair, large pink eyes, she was slender and had large breasts.

Dreams Come True If You Just Believe (Aomine Daiki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now