Chapter 12: Cute Together

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Chapter 12: Cute Together


"So tell me, when did you know you got selected? What were you doing at that time?" Davian asked, his eyes fixed on me.

I thought about that day when I learned I got selected into LM. A smile formed on my lips as I started narrating, "So it was the last week of summer break. I have the habit of waking up at six in the morning every day to do yoga. I did it that day too. Then, I drank lemonade with honey and started rehearsing for a while. As I kept rehearsing, all of a sudden, my phone rang. I picked it up, and that was it—the moment that changed my life."

"Interesting." He took my iPad and placed it on his lap to start writing something with the pencil.

While swinging my legs on the bench we were sitting on, I peeked at the screen.

When you get up in the morning to sing,
And then you get a ring

"It's nice," I said and took the pencil in my hand. "Tell me what LM told you when you got their call for the first time."

Davian smiled softly. "The day when I picked up their call, they said that they were from LM and they officially wanted me to be a part of them."

As the iPad was in Davian's hand now, I placed it back on his lap and tilted the device towards me to start typing the next few lyrics that crossed my mind.

Hey, it's Love Musical,
Yes, it's official,
Be a part of us.

He looked at the lyrics and laughed. "If this is how we are going to write, fine by me." He took the pencil from my hand. For some reason, as our fingers brushed against each other, there were tingles down my fingertips. "Now, it's your turn. What did they say to you?"

"They congratulated me and said that I had the potential to start a new journey with them, as I was selected in between among many candidates. I had no idea back then it was among ten thousand candidates," I ended with a small laugh.

When I looked at him, he was staring at me, but before I could get lost in the gaze, he looked down and typed the next lyrics.

Hey, it's Love Musical,
You have the potential
Start a new journey with us.

He looked back at me. "Now what?"

"How about we include those two lyrics we edited together?" I proposed, and he thought for a moment before agreeing to it. When I thought of my journey of joining the B4U, immediately, I took the pencil.

You are stronger than you think you are
No, your dreams aren't too far
To fulfill it and make it true
Just trust us few

Davian saw the two new lines I added and understood it was about the band, so he gave me a warm smile, and something fluttered in my stomach. Every time I saw him smile and laugh, it was like a resounding reminder of how much I liked seeing them and how attractive he looked with them on.

"I can write the next lines," he spoke up, and I handed him the pencil. My eyes lingered on his handsome features as his beautiful gray eyes were focused on the iPad screen.

When you choose your route
Know there's no turning back
Till you get the fruit.

"Let's put some lines on repeat now, shall we? And then, we can end it," he suggested, looking up, and I looked away instantly, humming in response. I felt a tinge of embarrassment heating up my cheeks, but it was gone the second I glanced at the iPad screen.

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