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Driving your brand new silver Lamborghini down the highway with your best friend. On the way to the biggest and most expensive shopping center in California. It is every girl's dream come true and my reality.

Sitting beside me in the passenger seat was Jessica, my best friend. Jess was commenting on my hair (with all its long curly blackness). It was flowing behind me like a waterfall in the dead of the night. For once my hair wasn't all done up with ribbons, clips or hairspray. It wasn't looking like I was about to go out to some formal party, or to dinner with the President or something. No today it was looking like Jess's hair normally did. Long, straight, and perfect with only one exception. Jess's hair was naturally blonde and I have to say half the girls I know would practically die for Jess's hair. 

Jessica's light brown eyes meet my cloudy blue eyes and we were laughing. Then our favorite song came on and we were singing (well more like shouting) along with the radio, having a ball and time of our lives. Doing something we would always remember and loving every moment of it.

I had closed my eyes for one second, only one second but when I opened them I was proven wrong, it had been longer.

We were coming up to a set of lights that hadn't been there before. The lights had gone red and I had no chance to stop or even slow down. We were going to crash; nothing could stop it from happening, not even a miracle, not that I believe in them.

Cars were still crossing the intersection and didn't look like they were going to stop any time soon. I was still coming in fast. People were going to die tonight and it would be my fault. All I could hope for was that Jessica wouldn't die and my life was taken along with the many that were going to die tonight at my hands. That could be asking for too much.

Would it help if I started to believe in God now? Is it a waste of time or was it too late? Would anyone miss me? Probably not, everyone would remember me as... for that popular, stuck up rich girl... well I'm not going to be remembered like I would want to have been... oh well that's me a stuck up popular rich girl, well not really but that's who lots of people think I am. Which is kind of sad if you ask me.

Ohmigod I just had an epiphany... or something! I just realized no one has to die. We could come out of this unharmed and with no one dead or dying after!

Oh who am I kidding? Someone is going to die and that someone should be me. This whole thing is my fault and I should be the one to die... the only one, me... no-one else...

I see it before I feel it, my car hitting that poor old lady's car. She broke her neck I saw it, her head went too far forward, then it suddenly it snapped back hitting the headrest then flopped down and rested on her shoulder.

That is only one death I will be accountable for but there is sure to be many more, innocent who will die at my careless hands tonight.

Then the pain came, if it was from an injury or from heart I will never know, all I know is that it hurt. It hurt like hell on earth but I guess I deserve at least that. It was at that moment that I actually realize what was happening to my body. It was being thrown around, chucked everywhere side-to-side, front to back and then upside down, like a lifeless doll being murdered by her careless owner.

Our ear piercing screams were turned into agonizing tears of pain and disbelief. Blood was everywhere I looked; I could not escape its unforgiving devil red glare. That's how I waited, unable to move from the pain that was consuming, for the many ambulances that were bound to be coming.

I looked over at Jessica; she was looking at me with dead scared eyes. She looked really bad; then again I bet I did too. "Lu I'm sorry I think you just killed your new car" her voice was all husky and dry, almost as if she had been smoking for a few years.

Even though she had never smoked once in her life.

She normally had the sweetest voice ever. When she sang it was like a hundred angels singing at once but now she sounded terrible.

Then she smiled at me, she was trying to make me feel better. It didn't work though because, when she smiled and showed her teeth, they were mostly gone. Then the ones that were left were chipped and covered in blood. Still the thought counted and it was just like Jess to try and lighten a dampened mood.

Jess was my best friend and it really kills me to see her in so much pain. I just wished she wouldn't try to hide it from me, but I guess that's Jess for you.

"Lulu are you okay? You know you're the best friend a girl could ever ask for and don't you ever forget it! You hear me? You have to remember that because I don't think I am going to be there to remind you anymore. And remember, whatever you do remember, that I don't blame you for this. In fact I've had a good life because, of you Lu. I will always be with you. Please Lu can you... tell... my ... brother... and ... Connor... that... I ... love... them"  

She was having trouble making out her dying wish and, I couldn't bear it, I could not lose her too!

"Don't talk like that Jess! You are going to be fine! Just fine I just know it!"

As I'm talking to her I watch her eyes roll back into her head and it's as if her life, her hope for survival has been taken away from her in one final slow dramatically peaceful breath. That's when I realize she's gone from this world. My best friend has just died because of me. I could not bear it.

"Jessica! Jessica! No ... Stay with me! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! Jessica!"

I was hysterical; I could not believe that she was gone. I could not believe that it was my best friend lying there beside me, hair matted and covered in blood a smile on her face that's been twisted with pain. Her eyes rolled back into her head, all you can see are the bloodshot whites of her eyes. Then there was the blood, blood that covered every surface.

That was the last thing I remember of that night. I do not remember the Ambulance who took her away from me. I don't remember the police, the firefighter or the dozens of spectators, who were watching. No all I remember is the horrible deep red blood all around me, Jessica's dead eyes and then black.

And I knew I could never be the same again. My Jess was gone, taking me alone with her.

A.N: Okay so i hope you like this(: it's my first book and yea i know it might be sad and all but i hope you liked it! The picture on the side is Luna(Christina Aguilera with black hair) 

Yea so hope you all like (: 

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Love Hannah (: 

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