Chapter 10: You're doing WHAT?!

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"Mum I want to move schools."

There I said it. Is it wrong that now all I want to do is hide behind this soft hospital pillow and wait for her to blow up in my face? Because I swear I know what her next words will probably be.... 

No! What the hell are you thinking? If you move schools then it will look like your not coping and if you’re not coping then it could look bad for me! Would you really be so selfish and put me through the stress of having to dell with the comity on my back about you AGAIN!

Yea that’s probably what she would say.

"Yes I was thinking that might be a good idea. Would you like to go to St Victoria Boarding School? I know it's a little far away but I've herd it's a good school. I've been reading and thought it looked well fitted for your circumstances."  HOLLY MOTHER OF MUSIC, what did she just say? St Victoria's! HOLLY MOTHER... yea well you get the point.

"Yes, mother I would love that. I don't think I can go back to that school" and what could be better then going to my rival school? HELL YEA I CAN SHOULD THEM I CAN STILL KICK ASS! ...

Oh wait no I can't. I don't deserve such a thing, I never will.

"Oh the only problem is you can't be enrolled till the start of the new term. I have to go, bye, bye now." Just as she researched the door she stopped and said, "Oh and darling I was wondering, have you put on some weight? Your middle seems a little more... in your face one might say, and don't get me started on how round your face is looking. Must be the hospital food. You should look at a diet." And then she left. 

Oh well don't I just have the loveliest mother ever- oh how I love sarcasm. Waaaaaait... did she just say I had to go back to that school for the rest of the term? The term only started what, like three weeks ago! Ohmigod WHY? This is going to suck! But I can't let it get me down! No.

Okay so I guess they must of given me a little to much hospital druggy thing muginckys, ae because really this is me. I keep this locked up under the safest guarded lock in the bloody country. Even the Queen of England and all her poshy awesomenessyness ey ness... damn I’m weird.... couldn't open it. 

Hehe the Queen of England is so OLD! When is she going to step down? Hehe then she will finally be able to get down and dirty with her puppies.... that sounded wrong hehe you guys are so sick! I meant she would have time to play with her small doggies, get those minds out of the gutter! GOSH. 

Hehe Oh look her come one of the nurses dressed up in her nursery goodness.

"‘Ello ma'am!" I say while saluting like one of those cute guys in uniform always do. Hehe they are so CUTE OH. My. GOWD! Hehe. 

"Oh hello darling. I see those meds have kicked in,” she says while smiling.

" I think it's time for you to get some sleep darling. You lost quite a lot of blood." 

"Hehe, your silly, my names not Darling! It's Luna! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh What's your name? I told you! Now it's your turn!" Hehe, my names not Luna, she silly woman!

"Oh sorry Luna, my names Violet."  Violet laughed quietly at my antics.

"Well Violet I'm tired so goodnight! Bye, Bye" and I swear I fell to sleep just like that. Unreal I know but true it was like I was finally dead to the world. 

Violets Pov:

Ohmigod this girl was cute! She seriously sounded like a 3 year old the whole time she was talking to me.  I know it's just a side effect of the medication the doctor gave her but come on it! That was seriously cute! 

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