chapter 9: Heaven and Hell

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Ohmigod my head hurts! What is this? I can't be dead; heavens suppose to be peaceful... Oh wait I’m probably in hell or something. That’s where I belong. In some dreadful place with burning fires in the dark pits of hell, darkness, death, and gut reaching screams. That’s where I belong. Heaven is far to good for me. 

Then I remember those glowing blood red eyes and those claws coming to kill me. HOLY SHEIT am I actually dead? Everything is black, maybe I am, dead. 

"Oh, Luna, Luna, Luna, Lulu baby please don't d-d-d-die I-I-I can't L-l-lose you too." Someone sobbed near me. It sounded like they're crying. 

"I'm so sorry! I can't believe I made you do t-t-that! Oh Lulu! I'm so sorry! I promised to take care of you, and I haven't, all I've done so far is rip you apart! Oh Luna...."

I.... I think that might be Jake! What is he doing here? He hates me.... I think. I mean how could he somewhat like me? Or even stand to be around me after what I've done to him and his family? 

I don't believe it. He's the schools best actor he's faking it! Why I’m not sure of but I know he is he hates me they all do. I have to tell him to leave. I have to wakeup. I don't want to be used like this.  I can't be. 

I force my eyes open. It is SOO bright it's unbelievable! I swear if hospital light could kill you I would be dead three times over right now. Jakes head shots up, like he senses I’m awake or something. Kind of creepy if you ask me but I swear if I was a normal girl I would of thought it was cute or something bazaar like that. 

"LUNA!" He says with so much love I almost believe it. Key word there is ALMOST. Jake lunges at me and raps me in a super tight mother bear hug. 

"Jake." He ignores me or doesn't hear me one of the two I actually can't tell. 

"JAKE”, still no response. I'm going for the he's ignoring me theory right about now. 

"JAKE!" I say with as much force I can master and the push him off me, surprisingly he lets me.  I look him in the dead of the eye, the pain and sorrow shinning crystal clear. Damn this boy is really good at acting, then I say; " Can you get my mum for me, I need to talk to her?"  

Once again pain surges through his eyes and body like I’ve just stabbed him. He gets up to leave, his eyes, show so much emotion and pain it hurt me to even look at them, never leaving mine. OHMIGOD! HE IS SUCH A GOOD ACTOR, DAMN! Then he realizes what I have actually said and stops.

“Did… did you just ask for your mum… not mother?” Holly Sheit I did didn’t I?

“Yea I did. Now can you go get her for me? Then you can go home and leave me alone. Bye Jake.” I’m quiet amazed at how calm I just sounded. It seriously does not suit my mood.  He nodded his head but his eyes never look higher then the ground, like I had hurt him or something. When really I know he knows I see right through his act, I can’t believe he would do this to me.

As soon as he closed the door I begin to cry. I just wanted everything to go back to normal. And to be honest with you I want a normal mum, one who actually lets you call her your mum and not the stupid formal “mother”.  It actually gets kind of depressing calling her mother all the time and yea sometimes I slip up once in a blue moon and call her mum.

The door opens while I’m drowning in my own self-pity, my mother comes in. There’s a worried look across her face, oh god now I’m frightened, what have I done now?

“Are you ok sweetie? Jack said you wanted me” Though she seemed so worried it would have been touching if it hadn’t been for the fact that she was holding her phone up to her face while taking to me. In other words she was putting on the loving mother act for the sake of whoever was on the other end of the phone. Oh well this was nothing I wasn’t use too, though it did get quiet depressing sometimes.

“Yea, um, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something, but I see you’re busy so it can wait.” I say with the most convincing fake smile I can master, and hope to hell she doesn’t bite my head off when she gets off the phone and her act can drop.

“Well okay darling, I want be to long I promise, I’ll be outside if there’s anything argent you need me for.” She gives me a kiss on the forehead and it’s all I can do not to throw up in her face.

“Okay mother” I say again with that hopefully convincing smile on my face. Though I must say it’s awfully hard to do, knowing that there’s a big bright red lipstick stain on my forehead.

She stepped outside and I was alone once again, with only my thoughts to keep me company.

I actually did need to talk to my mum so when she left she said I felt weird inside… like I was disappointed in her? Which is hilarious because I don’t care for my mother… she doesn’t care for me so I don’t care for her. Talk of the devil and she comes back in. Her act disappears completely and she walks back in without her phone.

“What did you want?” Her tone was ice cold and deadly, it actually shocked me. Which is funny because really what else was I expecting, her to run up to me and throw her arms around me like a big mother bear? Ha. No. That would be silly. SO instead of doing that whole loving daughter act I cut the crap and told her straight up what I wanted, so she could leave.

“Mum I want to move school’s”

A.N: Okay I’m sorry guys, I tried updating this yesterday but it wouldn't let me :/ anyways I’m sorry fro the long wait I have had so much on it's not funny! And also I’m sorry for the last chapter being so short! Ohmigosh i thought it was going to be longer then that! I swear it was at least two pages on my computer but apparently not :/ anyways here's the new chapter hope you like.  Don’t forget to comment and vote! It always makes my dad when I get a comment. It's so good knowing people actually like your story :) and I’m open for constructive criticism :) so don't be afraid to comment some mistakes :) and i always reply :) lol sooooo....

like some of the stories i read say..... Vomment! :) (Comment & vote :D )


P.S what do you guys think of the new cover?

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