chapter 14: Ivy Jane Cutler

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Chapter 14: Ivy Jane Cutler


“Sorry, Lulu but its Phil’s orders… ‘Don’t let her down till you get to her room, stay with her till I come up… and whatever you do don’t let her go.’ And what Phil says goes no matter what… unless that is Lady Lira says otherwise.” Nate seriously sounds like a Robot saying that. Like ohmigod for reals.

“Just put me down! You’re my brother! Come on, do a girl a favor and let her rip her mothers throat out!” I beg. I would have added the whole puppy dog eyes but seeing as I am currently head to butt with Nate it wouldn’t work.

As if he read my mind Nate said, “Nice ass by the way sis, I got a great view of it right now.” I can just tell he is smirking his face off right now. I slap Nate’s ass and say, “Yours ain’t so bad yourself… you know if dig that bubbly butt look.”

Heeeeey! My butt is perfectly fine looking thank you very much! Humph.” Nate whines, which of course only made me laugh.

“Oh that’s so nice of you Lu, just laugh at me why don’t you.” I can just imagine Nate’s face right now. The sweet wee innocent puppy dog look playing on his face, his mouth turned down into his famous pout he does when ever he doesn’t get his way… which might I add is often. His eyes hold a playfulness that is lost on most of the world, just like a puppy.

We reached my room’s entryway, finally! I might actually be free of this monster of a brother! Mwhahahaha *Laughs evilly in head*

Walking into the room Nate drops me onto my bed. Literary drops me onto my bed without even remorse for the fact that it had books and makeup and hair stuff all over it from getting ready this morning. Thanks Nate…. Thanks so much.

“Ow!” I say accusingly towards Nate, you know in that whole ‘what they hell was that for’, blaming tone that all teenagers use at least once a week. At least.

“Don’t you ow me! You mean dear sister are going to sit here and think about your actions! You can’t just go throwing yourself at people no matter how much you want to, and trust me I know.” Nate said in his fatherly tone he always put on when he joking but serous at the same time, confusing I know, but it is exactly what I mean. 

After letting Nate’s words sink in, I can’t believe I just did that! I’m not that type of person. I’m not that type of person. I’m not. I didn’t want to kill her; I wouldn’t and couldn’t kill my own mother. 

‘By you killed your best friend, you could have easily killed that bitch.’ 

You know that voice you hear inside your head that tell you when to do something and when not to, or if something’s a bad idea or maybe to knock some sense into you? Yea well that was what I just head, and it was bloody right too.  I killed Jess. What going to stop me from killing mother, Nate, Phil, Lisa, Jason…. Jack

Ohmigod! I’m a murderer; I tried to kill my mother! I can’t believe I just did that! I don’t do that type of thing as a rule. I hate violence, and family violence is, I believe the worst form of violence. One should feel safe in ones home. One should feel some form of love and haven within ones home. It is against my values and everything I believe but that didn’t seem to stop me. What’s to say it wont happen again? Maybe next time Nate and Phil won’t be there to stop me. I might actually kill someone next time.

‘Wouldn’t be a first time you kill someone… you know what they say… ‘Once a killer always a killer’… that what you are Luna, what we are. Killers. Cold. Blooded. Killers. Murderers.’

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