Chapter 11: I've had enough.

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Luna Pov:

Weeks flew by and I had pushed everyone away. I think even mother is starting to worry. I never thought I would see that day.

I don't care though; I really do not care one bit. I hate this, this, this.... life. It's horrible. My schools a shit hole and I am thanking the nonexistent god every day for getting my mother to agree to sending me away to a different school. I can't wait to get away fro it all. To have no horrible past everyone knows about, to face a mother who hates me and to get away from a group of lying bitchy friends.

I guess I have a lot of explaining to do and I guess I should start with the day after I was release from the hospital, when I went back to that horrid school.


Flash back

"Ohmigod! Jeff I can't do this! Don't make me go in there again! Please, just tell mother that you dropped me off and then I'll hide in my room till dinner and act like I was at school, if she asks! Please" I say practically begging at Jeff, my coiffure feet. I will not go back there! I can't....

"Luna Grace Eclipse! Listen to your self-dear! This isn't you! Pull yourself together, the Luna I know would never take the easy way out!" I sag back down into the backset knowing I've lost this battle. Then I whisper...

"I'm not that girl anymore, Jeff. I mean look at me would she wear this out?", and I turn around and walk to the dreadful car.

I'm wearing a pair of tight dark leather pants, a grey ripped Avril Lavigne style singlet which I ripped myself, with a black leather jacket with spikes and studs on the shoulders, my makeup is heavy and dark, especially around my eyes, my lips are painted with this deep dark blood red lip stick and my hair was straightened so it was as straight at a pin.

I looked nothing like that girl everyone associated my name with and I like it, this is the new me. They'll all just have to get use to it. 

"Okay Luna I'll give you that, you look practically nothing like the Luna I know. But don't get me wrong I know she's there deep, deep down and I want give up ma lady." And with that she shut my door, got into the drivers set and we were off to my dreadful school in silence.

By the time I got to school I had mentally highped myself up for the moment everyone saw me and the complete shock that would be written all over there face. I can't believe I'm saying this now but I can't wait to see their faces!

Okay I just had to say it didn't I? Yea well as soon as I stepped out of this stupid car I regretted saying it. Yea Karma's a bitch. Anyways...

I step out of the car and the school goes silent and my "Friends" look at me like What the F*** is she wearing? Yea well the can go F**k themselves, so much for being "friends" oh well I don't want them or need them!

Ida's the first to snap out of it and stomp over to me with a look of determination on her face and I could not be bothered with it. So I turned and much to the surprise of EVERYONE, but hey this IS LUNA GRACE ECLISPE where talking about here! I don't want my old spot I don't want this school but I will never, never look up or answer to anyone let alone my old friend. Who apparently believes herself to be better then me, oh please.

"LUNA!" oh Miss thinks she's it wants to talk to me?

I spin around so fast Ida nearly walks into me.

"What?" I spit out.

"What the hell are you wearing? What the hell is up with you? This is not you girl! Ohmigod what have you done to my bestie?" Her voice ohmigod how it screeches! How have I never noticed this before? How she stresses at least one word in each bloody sentence.... KILL ME NOW IT'S SO ANNOYING!

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