Chapter 5: Part two, school....Jake

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*okay this chapter has some swear words in it people so I'm sorry if this offends anyone, I don't mean to. But yea this is just a warning:)*

I turned around to the direction of my History class when I came face to face with a sold mass of, rock hard abs. Now to tell you I wasn't fall on blushing when I stepped back would be the biggest lie out. To make it worse the hot rock hard abs I had just walked into happened to belong to no one other than...

"J...Jake?" I stutter, a frown appears on Jakes face. "We... arr.... We have history together?" He nods slowly, confused. "Well, lets go then. We're already late." I start to walk off. I don't want to bring to much attention to myself and walking in would really stuff up my plain.

Jake grabs my arm to stop meWell apparently he doesn't care if we are late. I'm like almost completely in shock. HE actually touched me! HOLY SHEIT! I did not expect this. Like not at all. I didn't think he would want to talk to me let alone touch me! What has the world come to? lol naaa jokes that last one was a little over the top, even for me? That doesn't stop me from flinching away thouhh; I'm scared he will hurt me. He hates me and when someone hates someone they hurt that someone. Weather they mean to or not.

"Luna? Are you sure you're up to this? School I mean". He sounds genially worried for me. I swear this day is so not going the way I thought it would. They HATE why are they acting all nice? Are they trying to get me to trust them again? So they can hurt me more. That's must be what they are up to! It has to be... They hate me!

Don't they?

"Y...yea I'm ready of this" I say to Jake the quietly mumble to myself "I have to be".

What was that I didn't catch it? Your ready for this and." He expected me to answer and when I didn't he sighed.

"Luna we both know you're not ready for this. Why don't I take you home now? Then everything will be better." He wanted me gone. He wasn't being nice. He wanted me to go. He HATES me! Why? I love him! How can he not love me too? Even if I killed his sister! I still love him! WHY! WHY! WHY!

Why did this all have to happen? Why can't Jess be here! What's wrong with me! Why can't he love me too? Oh yea that's right, because he Hates me! I let out a little sob. What did I ever do to deserve this?




I still don't reply.

"Luna you're scaring me. Why are you crying? Did I say something? Do something? Luna?" He sounded so worried but he was the schools best actor, captain of the basketball team and star quarterback for the school. This kid was exceptionally gifted and I guess those acting classes he and Jess took for years paid off. I could hardly even tell he was acting. But I know he is. I just know it.

"No, Jake. You could ever do anything wrong. I did" I state simply.

"What? Luna I'm confused. What are you talking about?" He knows what I'm talking about I can see it in his eyes. He just hopes he's wrong.

"You know what Jake. You of all people know what I'm talking about!" I practically scream at him. I scare myself. Why did I do that? Why am I still screaming at him?

"YOU know full well what I did wrong! I'm still breathing I'm causing so much pain to everyone. To Connor, Belle, Ida, and Alec! And you too, Jake. You all hate me but that's what I deserve! I killed her! I killed YOUR TWIN SISTER! I killed her, twelve other people and I lived, Jake! I freaking lived! That what's wrong with me, Jake" I full on yelled at Jake at least we were alone and no one else would see me like this.

"WHAT THE HELL! LUNA, NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU! Ohmigod! You are such a self-centered demanding little SLUT! What wrong with you! We, Alec, Belle, Ida and Conner were trying to help your sorry ass! And what are you doing? YOU"RE THROWING IT BACK IN OUR FACES! Like the bitch you are!"

I ran. I couldn't take hearing him speck to me like this. Even though I deserved it So much!

I hate myself too Jake. Don't worry you're not the only one. I thought to myself.

"Yea, Luna run-away! No body wants you here! We all hate you! YOU F***IN KILLED MY SISTER YOU BITCH" His voice echoed in the hallway along with the sound of my feet hitting the floor as I ran to the bathrooms.

When I got there I slammed into the door and ran for a stool. I wanted to die so badly. They hate me, I hate me, and my own mother hates me. What is the point living, when no one wants you?

I took out my nail file and dug it into my arm. This will make everything better. They will be happy once I'm gone. No one will cry for me, like they did for Jess because this is what I deserve. Death is all I have left.

I watched the thick blood pore down my arm and onto the floor and all I could see was Jess and her face just after she died. I'll see you soon Jess. Love you.

The door slammed open and someone shouted something. I can't make out what they are saying. It's all so blurry and weird.

What the hell? Why am I so dizzy all of a sudden? Oh yeeeea! That's right I'm dying! Yay!

Everything went black.

(Jakes POV)

Holy shit Luna! What have I done?!

A.N: hey sorry guys is there is any mistakes but I finished this in my phone :) anyways hope you like it!

Hehe sorry for the cliff hanger but I just have to leave it there! :)

But can you please comment , vote , share! It means to so much to me when people comment and vote !!! So please do! :)

Okay so bye for now I will try and update soon but no promises! :D


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