Chapter 12: Lips

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Pov Luna:

"So, how far away is your house exactly?" Jason complained for the second time in the last two minutes. Still I refused to tell him, I didn't want to scare him away that would just suck. Though knowing me it would be something I would do.  Also I kind of like the mystery and suspense I’m making and its entertaining watching Jason whine like a five year old.

"I'm not telling yoooou..." I giggle at the puppy dogface he pulls at me. 

"Your mean, Luna Grace Eclipse, mean I say, mean."  He pouted at me.

"I know" I smile sweetly and skip ahead. 

We’re only a few minutes away from the house, but he doesn’t need to know that, now does he. Anyways, I think he likes the mystery; he almost looks excited. I don’t know why, we’re only going to my house; it is after all, just a house. Yea, though I guess some may be excited by a three -story mansion but nether the less a house, Spelling Manor, but still a house. Ha, I can’t wait till he realizes I live in spelling manor, the look on his face is going to be priceless! He probably thinks I live in some second-class house like a majority of my school.

 “Oh come on, Lips how far away are we?” He whines for what the onetweintyth time.


“Did you just call me ‘Lips”? I burst out laughing when he blushes ever so slightly. 

“W-what? No I say… E-eclipse, Where did you get ‘Lips’ from?” Aw his blush was going even redder because of his stutter.

“Aw your cute.” I say pinching his check like grammas do to little children.

“Anyways” I say letting go of his checks. “I think I like ‘Lips,’ never had a nickname before, or one that I liked or wasn’t mean.” I say trying to put on my serious face but completely failing when I laugh again. 

“No seriously I like it, but only you can call me it, okay? I think from anyone else it might sound weird.”

“Okay, Lips it is.” He says with the goofiest face ever, it was so cute!

We had finally turned down my street. I wonder what he thought of this place. I guess it is a pretty intimidating street, which is if you weren’t rich enough to live down here.  Mother and I had the biggest, most fancy and expensive house down this road. 

“So… Do you live down this rich fancy pants street” Jason sound seriously intrigued, not like he wanted to use me for my money, or something horribly like that. He genuinely sounded interested, which made me smile. 

“Maybe, maybe not.” I say again, just to annoy him.

“You did that just to annoy me.” He pouted once more, and then he frowns.

“But seriously how far away is your house I’m hungry.” He looked really sad it was slightly funny but really cute at the same time.

“Oh it’s not far, not far at all, in fact were standing at the gates.” I can feel a huge grin on my face as I dramatically show him that we’re here with one of those T.V show dramatic sweeping hand gesture.

His mouth completely drops.

“Y-y-y-you l-l-live Here?!” He stutters looking at my house.

 “Yeeea, I live here, oh and you might want to close your mouth, don’t want a fly to land in it now do we?”

“You seriously live here? IN SPELLING MANOR?” Do you know this is like one of the most expensive houses in the whole of America? It’s like worth $150 million, are you sure you live here?” 

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