chapter 13: A pool party of three

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“Aw Nate, it’s okay, it’s just a nickname! Lighten up” 

“Yea, yea, I still think it’s wired, but If you say so…”

“Love you too, Nate.” I smile sweetly to Nate before bombing Jason, like he bombed Nate earlier. 

Luna Pov:

Resurfacing I turned around to find and red faced angry yet embarrassed Jason and a hysterical Nate, who by the way was actually rolling around on the laughing, anyone say raoffly? Na? … Well that’s a little awkward then isn’t it?

"Hahaha. Your, Hahaha. Face, Hahaha. Ohmigod, Hahaha. Priceless, Hahaha. Where's the camera? Hahaha!'  Nate said while still on the patio laughing so hard I'm amazing he can actually get this sentence out... well kind of get his sentence out. 

"Oh Nate I wouldn't be laughing to long" I smile evilly while swimming over to him, and cunningly getting away from the slow approaching Jason. 

Nate stops laughing as soon as I say that and snaps his head up to look at me and his worry is evident…. He knows something bad happens whenever I put on that voice. Only he’s to late to run away like I know he was about to. 

I grab his ankle and pull him into the pool. SMLASH!

“Dannng boy you must be one fat whale! Coz that splash was big!” I say while laughing my ass off. Completely forgetting the fact that I was running away from Jason. Yea that wasn’t smart of me, but I swear it wasn't my fault! Well maybe a little, but dang Nate was freaking hilarious! I just figures that while I’m laughing my ass off Nate and Jason have formed some sort of conspiracy to take me down and are currently approaching silently the hysterical mwah.

Next thing I know I’m being pulled under and jumped on two heavily muscle developed teenage boys... yea to say I'm shocked is kinda the understatement of the century and you can bet your lives worth of money that I did the normal thing any teenage girl would do. Yea that's right I screamed my freaking ass off, and yes it was one of those high pitch giggly girly screams too, but hey, I am a girl I’m entitled to have my daily dose of girly moments. So stop with the judging people. shesh! 

While my squealing stopped as they got off, making me think that they had finished with their evil plan, I was painstakingly wrong... 

Yea they started splashing and throwing pool toys at me... Wait just a minute we don't own pool toys! What is this? Has someone been sneaking into the house?! We have the best security system in the whole of California! Wait... Why would someone sneaking into our probity just to put toys in our pool? And not steal so our million dollar items? That don't make no Kinda sense! 

Another girly squeal sounds from inside the house, …Oh yea that’s right I have a stepsister now.... yippy? 

*Splash*.... A huge bucket of water is poured completely over my head and it's so bloody cold! Ohmigod! Think I’m about to squeal like girly girls again, well fuck that shit, they are soo dead!

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" I scream in a battle cry warfare kinda of way, and their faces are priceless I swear if I wasn’t so concentrated on getting them back I would have completely clasped from laughter for what? The 75th time today... 

Jason’s Pov:

"Arrrrrrrrrrrr" Luna suddenly burst into this shit ass freaking battle war cry, scaring the bageebers out of me.  Then she just as suddenly as she broke out into a war cry, she full on burst out in tears. She turns around dragging herself out of the pool and runs inside. Leaving Nate and me to steer after her in shock.... what was that about????

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