chapter 2: Mother...

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  • Dedicated to Ella McLaren

The more time I spend in this stark white place the worse I get. I swear, I'm starting to go crazy and, right now is a fine example of what I mean. I'm staring at this human figure. I think it is a boy, well the shadow resembles a teenage boy at least.

Ohmigosh! I think I recognize this "figure" but I cannot place it... Okay that's not totally true, it reminds me so strongly of my Ja... I mean Jake -for he is no longer mine-, but why would Jake be here? He hates me and hasn't come to visit me once since I have woken up from that dreaded coma I was in.

I was my imagining Jake. I had to be. Jake wouldn't be here. I just had to prove it to myself. It wasn't Jake standing there; it's just a figment of my imagination. I reach out and turned on my hospital bed light, to prove to myself, that this figure wasn't Jake.

It blinded me for a good two to three minutes. Since I've woken I've been having nothing but trouble with my eyes. Any semi bright or bright light blinds me now. I use to take me about five minutes to see clearly, now it takes two minutes to see clearly, three minutes tops. The doctors say it will eventually go back to normal, I just have to wait and, be patient and if you know me patient is so not my middle name.

When my momentary blindness faded away I look around to find nothing there. I was imagining it after all 'who would be here right now anyway? It's past 7pm no-ones aloud in other then my mother and she would never come to see me'. So obviously I was imagining it. I bet it doesn't help that I haven't been to sleep in 24 hours and there's the fact that I'm going home tomorrow...yay.

I really don't want to go home and, be around my 'oh so caring mother who 'loves' me so very much.' (Sarcasm, can you tell?) The doctors say I'm on a steady mend and, should be ready for school in a few weeks. I have tell myself not to think about it, to try and think about the positives -or at least the closest thing to a positive thought I can manage to think- that Jezebel, Alec and Ida will be there for sure and, if I'm lucky Jake and Connor will be there as well... um what the hell? I'm not lucky! Why would I even think that?

And there goes my 'positive' thinking. Jake and Connor will not be there. They probably hate me. No, I mean they hate me. Okay and that just so happens to be the wonderfully sad note I go to sleep on; my best friend is dead, because of me, her brother and my (ex) boyfriend hate me. Yay me! ... Um yea, no.

* * *

"Ohmigod! Lu you look awful.... Wow that's a first, you okay? ... What am I saying you are so not okay!' Ida was practically jumping into abort she was so... what excited... to see me?? WTH?! At least Alec is holder her back she looked like she was ready to full on attack me... in a good way? Was this even possible? How was she so happy to see me? I am so confused; they hate me, why are they acting like this?

(Alec's POV)

Alec is afraid that if he let her go she would squish Luna and possibly kill the fragile girl Luna had turned into. She looked so fragile it's strange and frightening. He had never seen the hard, strong, independent and self-confident Luna, look so fragile. "Gosh, Ida get a hold of your self!" a smile broke out on Ida's beautiful face, like the sun finally making it past the horizon it was breath taking. She had need that smile days ago but it only awoke now. Ida had missed Lu terribly It was a relief to see her happy again. Alec was lost in Ida's smile; he loved her so much more than she would ever know. Then Alec let her go and suddenly, Ida was hugging me really tight.

(Luna's POV)

I have just been standing here in front of my house, confused; I hadn't ever expected my friends to be this happy to see me again. I had meant to hug Ida back but I had been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't. "Okay stop hogging her, Ida, it's my turn" Alec said, after about a minute of Ida hugging me and I'm standing their, like, "what the hell am I supposed to do?" Ida let go. The smile that was shining on Ida's face before, is somehow shining even brighter on her face, I hadn't even thought it was possible.

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