Chapter 6

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Anne's POV

I woke up tried from last night but I got up anyway since I needed to train for upcoming missions I got ready and knocked on the guest room door no answer I knocked again "Hey Marcy you awake" I asked I grabbed the door handle I opened the door "Marcy" I asked then I walked in Marcy wasn't in there I thought she was just hiding but nothing I thought she went off for a walk so I left her room with no worry and went down to train after a few hours I thought it was werid for Marcy to be gone for so long so I asked Burt if I could go out and look for her he said yes and I went outside to look for her I couldn't find a thing not even in the woods I made it back and told Burt he thought it was also werid and suggested we start a search party for Marcy we looked everywhere that day but no luck the next day no luck still no luck everyday no luck I was starting to think she wasn't coming back but she may have gone back to Newtopia to visit the women who raised her she will be back in some what 6 days or so that's what I thought anyway so I went back to trainning I tried to keep my mind off it but how could I, I was kinda worried about her maybe the Marsafur...NO! It couldn't get in the building without two of us guarding the enterance that wouldn't have happened after 6 days nothing, 7 days nothing she was missing for 16 days and I was getting worried I didn't want to find out she died or something but maybe I was overthinking this I wasn't sleeping good and sometimes I just layed awake my bed so tommorow I made some missing posters and hung them up around Wartwood I guess The Planters saw me "Hey Anne" I heard Hop Pop behind me "Yes" I said turning around "We heard what happened you are probably really worried" Hop Pop said "Yeah and we just founnd her as well I thought she just went back to Newtopia to visit to women who raised her but she hasn't came back yet and it's werid I think she would tell me when she is going out but she didn't I am really worried" I said "It's okay Anne she will come back soon" Hop Pop said "Yeah I know but it's been 17 days since we've seen her and still nothing" I said "Ok but you look tired are you getting enough sleep" Hop Pop asked me "Yeah I have I'm totally not staying awake laying in my bed thinking about Marcy" I said "Anne go back to the building and sleep you need to sleep" Hop Pop said "Ok, ok Hop Pop I'll go back and get some sleep but don't get mad at me if I can't sleep" I said then walked back into the building and layed down I did go to sleep but I was having a nightmare I haven't had a nightmare in awhile and yes it was about Marcy I could see something no somewhere it was telling me to go there I didn't know why I did see Marcy there but I thought it was werid then I woke up panting and in a cold sweat I knew I had to go there I don't know why so I got ready and fixed my hair I relized the sun was going down I needed to hurry I rushed out of my room and bumped into Burt "Sorry captain" I said "It's ok Anne mind I ask where are you going trainnig is over" he asked me "I was going to take a walk" I lied then tried to walk passed Burt "I know that you're lying Anne" he said "No I'm not" I lied "Look taking a walk at this time is dangerous there can be monsters out there in the woods near Wartwood" Burt said "Look captain I had a nightnmare that was telling me to go somewhere I don't know why but it was" I said "Ok I unnderstand but at least take some backup with you ok" he said "Ok but they better stay away" I said "Hmm maybe that is not a good idea...go on yourself I know you can defead yourself perfectly" Burt said "Thanks captain" I said "Now go before I change my mind" he said "Ok" I said then I rushed out of the building and tried to find the place there was trees, a path, and a stone arche I looked for awhile and then I walked out of a bush and saw the place I looked down a bit and Marcy was on the ground laying perfectly still I ran over to her in shock I checked her heart beat and breathing they seemed normal I didn't know how she got there I picked her up and carried her back to the building I was just thankful she was alive and well I saw some burises on her face but didn't think much of it I opened the door and Burt was waiting for me to return "So did you find the place" he asked "Yes I did and I found someone there" I said Burt looked down a bit he gasped "Marcy you found her" he said "Yes don't worry her brething and heart beat is normal I guess she is just tired" I said "Well you should get some sleep and get Marcy back in her bed" Burt said "Ok captain" I said then went upstairs and layed Marcy in her bed in the guest room I stayed for awhile then went back to my room and I slept really good I guess I was relived that Marcy was okay and well she will probably awake in about 2 days.

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