Chapter 10

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Anne's POV

I woke up and got ready right away I knocked on the guest room and didn't hear Marcy so I opened the door to check but she was still in bed she was still sleeping ok I thought so I slimed and left I went down stairs and started to trian I was looking at some of the claw marks longer than I should've I don't know why but I thought about the second encounter with the Marsafur last night it was werid the Marsafur let me put my hand on its snout and rud it maybe it is a friendly monster unless it's threated also I keep brushing off the reason that Marcy stutters when we talk about the Marsafur maybe she has a stutter I don't know it's only when we are talking about the Marsafur maybe it's nothing but still might ask that to her when she wakes up I stopped trainning for a bit and just stood there looking at the claw marks I think Burt saw me do this because I saw him come up to me "Hey Anne you need to be trainning" he said I took a look over at him "Yes captain" I said then I continuted to look over at the claw marks "Anne I see that you're distracted do you want to stop trainning and do what you need to to not be distracted" he asked me I looked back at him "Yeah I'd like that" I said "Ok then you're dissmissed" he said "Thanks" I said "Yeah no prob" he said walking away I walked off the trainning area and ran over to the claw marks and study them for a minute when I touched the claw marks in front of my room I felt like the Marsafur was someone I knew but I brushed it off as someone else but what if it is someone I know I don't know I already got some DNA from the fur and claw dust what if I can find who it is maybe try to catch it I don't know I stay there studying it for awhile then stopped and went to the two jars that have the fur in it because it might have more DNA with it cause it came from the body of the Marsafur nothing really then I reserched every book on the Marsafur in the library the books told stories from long time like a Marsafur killed almost 5,000 newts because it felt threatened by them not wanting to be trapped in amphibia monster prison of Newtopia they did get it in the prison but this big event in amphibia history and a time where a Marsafur attacked Wartwood because it felt threated from a frog who threw a rock at it I mean not really the Marsafurs fault in these stories it was threated and was just trying to protect itself I knew this from Marcy she was smart she told me some stuff I didn't even know I read every book about the Marsafur I didn't know what to do after that I sat in my chair for awhile I thought about staying up and wait for the sound of hitting when night came I stayed in my room and stayed sitting in my chair waiting for the sound I felt very sleepy but I was awake the whole night so when morning came I layed down and slept the whole day I didn't hear the sound the very next night I waited again stayed awake the whole night didn't hear anything fell asleep in the morning I did this about five more days and I was tried of waiting for the sound nothing happened I stopped for two days then started up again I wanted to get this on like the 20th night of waiting for the sound it happened it was about ten minutes I jumped when I heard it after one minute I heard it bust out of door I ran to the door and opened it I saw the Marsafur from behind I made some noise and the Marsafur heard me it turned around and it seemed clam like it remembered me from the second incounter it came up to me and put its head down so I could rub its snout I didn't want to at first but then I put my hand on it snout and rubbed it slowly its eyes were closed and I was enjoying it so was the Marsafur I stopped and it opened its eyes it just stayed there looking at me then it backed away then I walked back in my room and got ready and went to sleep I hated not knowing the real indentite of the Marsafur but I think it remembered me I know I remembered it I don't know if Marcy was okay I haven't checked on her for days I hope she is feeling better.

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