Chapter 9

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Anne's POV

I woke up and got ready right away for trainning there was still claw marks I touched it and felt a feeling like someone I knew weird I thought who could it be maybe its not someone I know maybe its someone that lives in the woods or something I don't know I knocked on the guest room to wake Marcy up and she wanted some time to get ready so I went down by myself and started to train I trained for two minutes and went back upstairs and knocked back on the guest room "Marcy it's been two minutes you ok in there" I asked "Yeah I'm fine I just need three more minutes" she said "Ok I'll come back in three minutes" I said "Ok" she said then I went back down stairs and trained again after three minutes and went up stairs "Ok its been three minutes you ok" I asked "Yeah I'm ready let me just open the door" Marcy said then she opened the door and we went down stairs and I trained again and she watched me it was nice I looked over at her a couple of times and blushed when the day was over we hanged out again and talked "Hey the Marsafur got in the building but I think it left but I was awoken by a loud hitting do you know anything about that" I asked "I-I woke up from it two it was like 5:18 when I was awoken" Marcy said "It was 5:20 when I was awoken" I said "So werid" she said "I know and we haven't seen the Marsafur since the night the alarm went off and I don't know if it will appear in woods again" I said "Well whatever you find please don't hurt it I don't think it attacks amphibians unless its threated or might repose to you and me two" she said "Yeah I think so to when the alarm went off that night it didn't attack me I mean I pulled out my gun but it's like it knew it wasn't threated and it didn't attack me" I said "Y-Yeah" she said then we started talking again and laughing untill we called it a night we said goodnight to each other and we went to bed I sept good then after 5 minutes of trying to sleep I heard hitting on the wall again more werid sounds it stopped after 15 minutes and didn't pick up again then I tried to go to sleep I did after two minutes I woke up the next morning and got ready then I went to go knock on the guest room I knocked and asked Marcy is she was awake she came to the door "Yeah Anne I'm awake" she said she had bags under her eyes and her face looked pale "Wow Marcy you look bad you ok" I asked "Yeah I'm fine" she said "No you don't look ok go back in the room and sleep you''ll look better if you do ok" I said "Ok" she said she walked back in the room and I followed her into it I helped her in the bed and waited for her to fall asleep then I left and shut the door and went down strairs to train I trained all day then the day ended and was going to sleep I hope Marcy is feeling better now I went to bed straight away I don't know how long it was but then Burt knocked on my door and opened it I woke up in panic "It's the Marsafur again isn't it" I asked "Yep the alarm never glitched nor deavited but the Marsafur came back and it's coming from the woods let's go" Burt said "Got it captain" I said then he left and I got ready and went downstairs "Where is everyone" I asked "They are not doing this mission with us" Burt said "What do you mean captain" I asked "I mean you seem to get the closes to the Marsafur than everyone else everyone got not as close as you so me and you are only ones looking after the Marsafur" Burt said "Ok" I said then we went outside and went into the woods and we went our separate ways he went left I went right from where we were I was walking around for awhile I stopped after awhile then I looked around for awhile then I heard something behind me I turned around and recozied the place the same place that night In first saw the Marsafur I looked around for a bit then grabbed my flashlight from my belt and turned it on to look around with better light I didn't see anything then I heard a growl behind me I turned around and there it was again the Marsafur it was growling at me I backed up I tried not to flash the light in its eyes because I knew that their sensitive to bright lights I bumped into the rock I did before it kocked the flashlight outta my hend and then it was growling at me angrily I put out my hand to try to clam it down it growled so I nugged my hand back a little then I put my hand on its snout it growled a little then stopped I rubbed it snout it closed its eyes then a bright light from Burt's flashlight went over its eyes so it pulled away and ran away Burt ran up to me "You ok Anne" he asked "I'm fine I was trying to clam it down" I said then started walking away Burt followed me inside and I checked on Marcy just to be sure she was there sleeping peacefully then went back to my room and crashed down and went to sleep I slept kinda good not to good maybe the second incounter with the Marsafur.

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