Chapter 12

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Anne's POV

I woke up and got ready right away then exited my room and went to knock on the guest room I knocked and no answer I knocked again "Marcy you ok" I asked "Yeah I'm fine just taking some time getting ready I'll be there in a second" she said "Ok" I said then she came out fast "Hey Anne" she said "Hi how did you sleep just asking" I asked "Good what about you" she asked "Mine was good to" I said "That's nice" she said "Yep" I said we held hands and I was blushing then I looked down at Marcy's hand it had a bandge on it I thought it was werid "Hey is your hand ok it has a bandge on it" I asked "Oh that I was on a walk and cut my hand on a rock I'm fine" she said "Ok" I said then we went down stairs and I started to ttrain I focused better on trainning I wasn't looking at the claw marks but I was a little suspicious the cut on Marcy's hand was the like the same paw the Marsafur's scratch was on I thought about asked so I walked up to her and sat next to her "Hey" I said "Hi Anne do you need something" she asked "I just want to ask you a question" I said "Sure go ahead" she said "I noticed your hand has a cut on your hand and last night I encountered the Marsafur and it had a scratch on its paw and your hand was the same hand the scratch was on...are you the Marsafur" I asked "Ummm" she said thinking "It's okay you can tell me" I said "No I'm not I just have a cut on my hand that's werid it was the same hand the paw was scratched" she said I stood up and looked at her "Ok but really if you are lying you can tell me" I said I started walking away "Wait Anne I have something to tell you I just don't want to do it here you know there's a lot a people here right now can we go somewhere private" Marcy said I turned around "Yes let's go to my room" I said "Ok" she said then we went up stairs and in my room we sat on the bed "There is something I haven't told you when we met and I wanted to for a long time I just thought you might hurt me or something" Marcy said "You can tell me it's fine" I said "Ok Anne...I've been sneaking my friend into the building and my friend is the Marsafur" she said fast to get it over with it "You have" I asked "Yes and my cut isn't from a rock it's from a claw my friend accidentally scratch me with and it hurt themselves early on the same hand" she said fast again to get it over with "Ok" I said "Also I didn't black out that day before I went missing I followed my friend into the woods to help them and they lost control and hurt me a bit they tosssed me around that's why I had bursies when you found I fainted near that arch and my friend helped me stay perfectly still and ran away when you found me there and, and" she said then I stopped her "Hey, hey clam down I'm here, I'm here...why didn't you tell me this before" I asked "I didn't want my friend to get hurt" she said "It's okay can you tell your friend that they need to stop trying to sneak in and do you why there was claw marks in the building and the hitting the wall" I asked "Yes I'll tell them not to use me to sneak in and my friend was outta control with there Marsafur curse so they turned into the Marsafur at times in the night and hitted the wall by accident and made the claw marks to" she said "Ok thanks" I said then we hugged after awhile of hugging we stopped and went down stairs I went back to trainning I was looking over at Marcy every now and then and smiled she smiled at me as well I was still a little of suspicious of what Marcy said I don't know why she told me the truth but still I was a little suspicious when the day was over me and Marcy hanged out again we always do this since becoming friends I did enjoyed Marcys company not being alone was nice for once "Hey no more secerts ok" I said "Ok" Marcy said "You promise no more secerts" I asked "I promise" she said "Please if I find out you're lying...I won't be mad" I said "Really you won't" she asked "Yeah you had the right to keep a secert from me I won't blame you" I said "Thanks" she said "Yeah" I said then after that we talked and laughed for about an hour then thought about sleep so we got ready, said goodnight to each other, and went to sleep I however slept pretty good maybe finding out who the Marsafur really was.

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