Chapter 22

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Anne's POV

I made it back to Wartwood and busted threw the main door Burt saw me and walked up to me "Anne your back" he said "Yeah I'm back and I got the cure" I said "Good Marcy is getting worse" he said "She is" I asked "Yeah here let me take you to her" he said he took me to the guest room I walked up I opened the capsule and looked at Burt he nodded then I gave Marcy the cure almost all of it "It should take a few days to work you should go train you missed a few days don't worry I'll stay with her" Burt said "Thanks captain" I said "Yeah don't metion it" he said I went down to train but I couldn't focus I was too worried about Marcy I didn't know if the cure would work Andrias slid the cure to me it looked pinkish so it had to be the cure I still couldn't focus so I went to go tell Burt I walked up stairs and went to the guest room "Captain I can't focus on trainning I'm too worried" I said "It's ok take your time" he said "I want to stay with Marcy until she wakes up" I said "Ok if you need anything just tell me" he said "Yeah" I said he exited the room and left me with Marcy I kneeled down to be near her I touched her face it was getting warm, I felt her breathing and heart beat they were getting normal I sighed in relief it got night and I was getting tired I felt asleep on a chair close to Marcy's bed I can't say I had a good sleep nor a bad sleep after a few days I stayed until I saw Marcy was waking up she started groaning, I stood up from the chair and walked over, I saw her eyes opening, she was turning around, her eyes opened and saw me, she opened her mouth "A-Anne" she asked "Yes" I said "I-is it over" she asked "Yes it is I'm so glad you're ok" I said "Me to" she said then she sat up and hugged me I hugged back "How long has it been" she asked we stopped hugging "Like five weeks or so" I said "You saved me didn't you" she asked "I did you saved me from getting choked and shot it was the least I could do to repay the gesture" I said "I just didn't want you to get hurt" she said "Well thanks" I said "Thank you to" she said hugging me "Hey I need to tell you something" I said making her stop hugging me and sitting next to her "Yes what is it" she asked "I didn't know I would have these feelings I feel when I met you" I said "Anne" she said "You are just so cute and this Marsafur thing got in the way and I couldn't tell you then but now I want to tell you" I said "What is it" she asked "I-I-I love you Marcy" I said I looked away fearing that she wouldn't feel the same I didn't hear an answer for a second then I felt her hand on my shoulder "Anne I love you two" she said I turned my head to look at her "Wha-" I asked "Yeah ever since I met you I loved you, you were just so nice and forgiving I know I lied about being the Marsafur but I was scared you would hurt me" she said "I never knew" I said "Well now you do" she said "Can I" I asked "Yes" she said I pulled her close to me and kissed her we stayed there for a minute I heard the door open I stopped kissing Marcy and looked over it was Burt "Oh I'm sorry is this a bad time" he asked "Yeah it kinda is what is it captain" I asked "Well Andrias sent me a letter saying he wants you both at his palace so he can send you to back to earth" he said "Ok but I need to do something first" I said "I want to come with you" Marcy said "Ok but be careful you haven't walked in five weeks you might be weak in standing and walking" I said "Ok" she said "Don't worry I got you" I said "Thanks" she said "Yeah no problem" I said we both got out of the bed and out of the room we got ready and we went to Plantar Farm I needed to say goodbye to the plantars before I go home "Hey Hop Pop" I said walking up "Anne" Sprig shouted and jumped up Hop Pop turned around as well as Polly "Anne" Hop Pop said "Hop Pop I need to tell you guys something but before that I want to ask you a question" I said "Sure go ahead Anne" he said "You found me outside of Wartwood I just wanted to make sure you weren't making a trade with Andrias" I asked "Well...yeah I can't hide it you would find out either way he asked for money for a human bady that was you" he said "I knew it" I said "I'm sorry Anne you had to find out like this" he said "No, no it's not your fault it never was I was raised by you, you took care of me, adopted me you were a good family" I said "Thanks Anne now that thing you wanted to tell us" he said "Well me and Marcy are going to probably going back to earth I just wanted to say goodbye" I said "Well goodbye to you two Anne I hope you a good furtue" he said holding back tears "You are reallly going" Sprig asked "Yeah I'm sorry Sprig but you three will always be in my heart forever" I said "I was getting used to you being a older sister to me" Polly said "I know me to" I said then tears formed in there eyes tears formed in my eyes I wipped them I hugged the plantars said goodbye one more time and went to Newtopia with Marcy.

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