Chapter 3

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Anne's POV

I was continuted reading my beginniers guide book until the night but I resumed the book a day later I almost got to the end of the book but I heard a knock "Come in" I said "Hey someone saw something near Wartwood I was wondering if you're ready for you're first mission" Burt asked me "I'm not done with the book but I made it pass all the monsters I think I am ready" I said "Good I need you down in one minute ok" Burt said "Ok got it" I said then Burt left my room and I got ready my first mission as a Monster Hunter I wonder what monster it is maybe a Foxter or a Hartex I'm not sure I ran down as soon as I got ready I lined up "Good you're all here...look there's been something spotted outside of Wartwood I think it's a monster we should check it out in case it's how my plan goes Speckles and Buster will check the left side of the forest surrounding Wartwood, Aires and Banjo will check the right side or the forsest surrounding Wartwood, and Anne come with me to check the middle the path to Wartwood it might have been spotted in these areas when the job is done you must tell me what you found....ok you're dissmissed" Burt said "Hey captain" I asked "Yeah" he asked "What if it isn't a monster" I asked "Well depends on what we find" he said "I'm just asking what if it is a amphibian lost or something" I asked "Anne I'm not sure if it's a monster or just an amphibian but we need to be ready for anything ok" he said "Yes captain" I said then we left we made it to the enterance of Wartwood "Ok you guys know the plan" Burt asked "Yep" all of us said "Ok split up" Burt said "Speckles and Buster left, Aires and Banjo right, and Anne come with me" Burt said we split up I followed Burt on the path we didn't see anything for awhile but we heard a noise I ran ahead of Burt I stopped, I heard a eating sound behind a rock, I got my gun ready then I sneaked behind it, I jumped behind the rock and pointed my gun at someone they got scared "Ahh don't hurt me" they said it was a girl she had shiny black hair, with a green hair clip, brown eyes, a gray shirt, a nice looking belt, a green and blue shirt, boots with fur and straps "I'm sorry I thought you were a monster" I said putting my gun down "It's ok I'm lost is there somewhere I could go" she said "Yeah there's a town one minute from here Wartwood I'll show you if you want" I asked "Yeah I'd really like that" she said "Ok take my hand I'll take you there" I said holding out my hand she grabbed it "Anne where are you where did you go" Burt asked "Captain I'm over here" I said running with the girl's hand in my hand "There you are and this is" he asked "Oh another human I thought I was the only human in Amphibia" I said "Cool is she lost" Burt asked "Yes she is" I said "Ok let's go back and see what the others have" he said we made it back "Ok Speckles what did you guys find" Burt asked him "We didn't find a monster, no monsters" he said "Ok Aires did you guys find anything" Burt asked him "Same as Speckles no monster, no monsters" he said "Ok me and Anne mostly Anne found a lost young girl the same age as Anne will everyone repect her she is are guest" Burt said "Yes captain" everyone said "Anne show this girl the guest room ok" Burt said "Yes captain" I said "Come on let me take you to the town" I said "Ok" she said we walked in and I showed her all around the town then we went into the monster hunter building "Here is where I am I'll show you the guest room then I wanna know you more" I said "Me to I would like to know you more" she said then I showed her the guest room then we hung out in my room I think this was the perfect time to ask about the Marsafur she might know about it "So I didn't catch your name what's your name" I asked her "My name is Marcy from what I heard of your captain your name is Anne" she asked "Yes I'm Anne can I call you Mar-Mar and Marbles" I asked "Yes I will like that can I call you Anna-Banana" she asked "Sure" I said "Thanks" she said "Hey Marcy" I asked "Yeah" she asked "I have a book here I it has so much infomation on monsters and stuff and there is one monster that doesn't have much information on it it's called the Marsafur I was wondering if you have any information on it" I asked she paused for a minute "Y-yes I do" she said suttering I thoought it was werid for her to sutter but I brushed it off as nerves "Ok tell me" I said grabbing a pencil and opening the page the Marsafur was on "Ok so when an amphibian is born there is a cruse call the Marsafur cruse, they can't control it, a-and their sentive to light and loud sounds, also they trun into the monster when a negtive emotion is over them" she said as I was writing down the infromation "Is that all" I asked "N-no they also have a back plate built in to wit stand gun shots and sword strikes" she said I wrote it down "All" I said "That is all I have" she said "Well thanks Marcy this has been fun" I said "Yeah" she said then we spend the next two hours in my room talking about random stuff until night time she went to the guest room which was right across from mine.

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