Chapter 14

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Anne's POV

I was looking at Marcy sacred I know knew she was lying but I knew it was to save her skin she was growling at me I backed up and pulled out my gun to shoot her I aimed it at her then I dropped my gun becasue I knew I didn't want to hurt her lucky the gun didn't shot when I dropped it I bet Burt and the others heard all the noise I heard footsteps coming up the stairs I went to go stop them I got to the stairs just when they came up "Stop" I said standing where you get up "Anne what's going on up here" Burt asked me he stood up on the floor I backed up to give him space to stand "Nothing me and Marcy were just playing" I lied "Ok are you to ok" he asked me "We're fine captain I promise" I lied "Ok" he said then Marcy made a noise Burt pushed me aside and reloaded his gun I didn't know what to do at first so I ran up to Burt "Captain everything is ok why don't you put your gun away and leave me and Marcy to play our game" I said "I think your lying Anne I need to check out the noise in the guest room move aside for your captain" he said I didn't want to be derecpectful so I moved aside "Just don't hurt her" I said quitly I don't think Burt heard me he walked up to the guest room and I knew he saw Marcy "Hey hunters get in here" he said ordering all the monster hunters to come to him they all ran to the guest room and saw Marcy I ran into the room Marcy was growling at them because they were aiming their guns at her I ran up to her "Stop" I said standing in front so they were aiming their guns at me "Anne step away from the Marsafur" Burt said ordering me "No I will not" I said "Anne I gave you an order you are disobying your captain" he said "No listen to me-" I said but then Burt interrupted me "I told you to step away from the Marsafur now step away" he said I looked worried I didn't step away I turned around and hugged Marcy her fur was so soft then I stopped hugging her and turned around "Why are you hugging it" Burt asked "Because I know something you don't" I said mad because he didn't let me talk "What do you know I don't" he asked me lowering his gun "The Marsafur is-" I said then a hunter shot a bullet from his gun lucky Marcy protected me from it with the back plate she had it bounced off it I guess one hunter thought it was Burt and started shooting then all the other started shooting Marcy was still portecting me then Burt joined in for whatever reason then I guess Marcy was fed up with the shooting she stopped protecting me and started attacking the monster hunters I saw what was happening and tried to stop it Marcy hit the hunters into the wall then ran up to Burt and growled at him he loaded his gun and pointed at her I saw this and ran up I pushed down his gun so it shot the floor then I took it out of his hands and threw it on the floor "Stop" I said he looked at me "I know you've been tracking down the Marsafur so you can contain it but it's harmless unless if you threat it and you threated it also right now I learned if you threat someone who they have a strong bond they attack" I said "Ok, ok sorry but its dangerous it must be taken into containment" Burt said then he pulled out a speaker reconder from his belt "No you're not doing that" I said but he turned around and started taking into the speaker reconder I couldn't hear what he was saying after he was done and he put his speaker reconder in his belt then I was fed up so I tackled him "Hey I'm your captain get off me" Burt yelled at me "Well not my fault the Marsafur is my firend and I'm trying protecting them" I said "I know they are your friend but they need to be contained in the amphibia monster prison of Newtopia for a reason they will attack innocent people" he said "They will attack people who threat them" I said "I can't do this you are disobeying me I'm ready to fired you" he said then he nugged me a little I guess Marcy was pissed by this phyical contact she went to scratch Burt but then I pushed him outta the way "Look out" I said then Marcy's claw came down and scractched me on my cheek I fell on the ground Marcy relized what she did and she looked scared Burt came over to me "Anne are you ok" he said kneeling down "I'm fine its just a scratch" I said then Marcy backed up and jumped out of the window she was fine Burt got up and garbbed his gun off the floor I stood up "Captain it's ok it really is you don't need to do this" I said "Sorry Anne I've already informed the monster patrol of Newtopia I need to get the Marsafur stunned before they do it" he said "Wait what happens when they do it" I asked "They take down the monster by force, they put a muzzel on it, and then they inject the stun dart with two darts they don't mess around also they will hurt them if they don't pass out with two darts that's why I need to dart it before they do they don't show mercy in darting monsters" he said "Ok go just don't them too much" I said "I won't" he said then jumped out the window I followed I jumped out the window after him.

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