Chapter 23

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Anne's POV

I was walking with Marcy to Newtopia I knew he wasn't going to keep his promise "Keep on your toes when talking with Andrias I know he won't keep some of his promises" I said "Don't worry I will I know him he raised me you know he kicked me out for a misuderstanding I had a negative emotions chil dude" Marcy said "I don't think it was your fault you grew up in the palace right" I asked "Yeah I wasn't even allow outside" she said "Ok wow" I said "I know me and Olivia did sneak out but too bad I had a negative emotion and cracked" she said "Yeah I know it's ok but we are almost there" I said "We are" she asked "Yeah one day how did we do that" I asked "I don't know maybe because of me" she said "Yeah maybe" I said we made it and went down in the water and we went to the gate a newt opened the window "Oh you two" he said then let us in we went to the palace the newts let us in the palace and we walked up to the thorne room the newts let us in we walked in and he was having a discussion with two newts he stopped and looked up he looked back down we overheard him "Yeah they don't know here" he said giving the two newts then they left we walked up to him "Sorry about my schedule is a little messed up today now for you two" he said "Ok send us home and we will be out of your hair" I said "Ok I will just one thing" he said "What" I asked "I don't show some mercy to people who dart me sometimes" he said then he pulled out his dart gun he shot at me I didn't have my dart gun so I was defendless I douged the darts but I couldn't keep this up for long Marcy look scared for me she ran over to Andrias "She probably didn't mean it stop" Marcy said to Andrias she was trying to stop him from darting me she couldn't Andrias reloaded his gun and aimed at me he shot I closed my eyes but I didn't feel anything I opened my eyes and saw Marcy took the dart but I noticed she was holding the dart and she had green hair, her green horns, pointy ears, fangs, black fur on her arms and legs, claws, and her tail "Marcy how are you-" I asked "I have no idea" she said "Maybe the cruse has appected you maybe because of the cure" I said "Yeah that seems about right" she said I felt her hair it was soft "Your hair is soft I never touched it before" I said "Oh I didn't know" she said I felt her tail "Your tail is so soft" I said "I knew it was I used to chase it sometimes" she said "Well if your little talk is over then can we get this over with" Andrias said we turned to look at him he shot a dart at me Marcy caught it before it reached me then she ran at him and started attacking him clawing at him and such I stood there defendless while Marcy took care of it after she was done Andrias gave up "Wait, wait I'm sorry, I'm sorry I never ment for this to happen" he said "You tried to kill me" Marcy yelled at him "It was surrpossed to help you I didn't know it would kill you slowly" he said "Yeah whatever you say I don't think you were trying to help me because you almost killed me" she yelled "Look I can send you and Anne home I just get mad when someone darts me" he said "You ran at me" I yelled as I came over "Look I didn't wnat you to get away I didn't even want you to give the cure to Marcy I wanted....I wanted to stop the pain of the cruse I thought it was going to help I knew it was dangerous to Marsafurs but I used it anyway I never ment to kill her" he said "So that's why you ran at me" I said "I was just looking out for her" he said "Well it was wrong to do you should've done it now I'm mad, Marcy is mad, and all the monster hunters are mad that was stupid" I said "I know I should've done it I'm sorry but I want to dart you can I" he asked "No now send us home" I said "Ok, ok have it your way I'll send you home" he said standing up "Good" I said he opened a portal with a magic music box "There you go your way home" he said "Thanks" I said "Yeah get out of here" he said I walked threw and looked back to Marcy she looked at Andrias with the stink eye then she followed me into the portal and we got telported to earth "Were back" I said "Yeah were back" Marcy said we hugged being so happy "I guess we have to reunite with our seprate families" I said "Yeah I guess we will still see each other right" she asked "Yeah we live in the same area so yeah of course we will" I said "Thanks can you walk me home" she asked "Yeah no problem" I said "Thanks" she said she lead the way I followed we made it she was about to knock on the door but she didin't and turned around to look at me "Go on knock they will be happy to see you...wait" I said I pulled out something to cover her hair, horns, and ears "Here this is for your hair, horns, and ears I have something for your fur on your arms, legs, and tail here" I said putting on the thing for them "I am good" she asked "Yes you are" I said she turned back around and knocked on the door a woman opened the door and put her hands on her mouth an gasped "What is it honey" a man asked from inside he came to the door and gasped "It is really you" the woman asked "Yes mom it's me Marcy" she said "We thought we lost you 13 years ago where did you go" the woman said "You did but I'm ok I was in another world named Amphibia" she said "Amphibia" her mom asked "Yeah it's a world filled with all sorts of Amphibians" she said "Well were glad you're back and your friend" her mom asked "This is Anne we like each other" she said "You do well welcome Anne" her mom said "Well thanks I need to get to my family but I can stya for awhile" I said we hung out for awhile "So Marcy what's on you head, arms, and legs" her dad asked "Ummm nothing" she said "Come on I'm your dad" he said "Ok don't freak out" she said "Why would I freak out over my daughter" he said I stood up from the couch he remove the thing on Marcy's head and gasped her mom gasped as well "Why didn't you tell us you were a monster" her dad asked mad "Well I tried and I told you not to freak out I'm sorry" Marcy said "Well I won't have a monster for a daughter" he said "Come on she is your daughter appect her for who she is" her mom said "Well I don't want a monster for a daughter" he said her parents were fighting I noticed she was about to cry "Come on let's go to my house" I said "Yeah let's go" she said we snuck out and went to my house we made it I knocked on the door my mom came to the door and gasped "Everything fine" my dad asked my mom brought me threw the door "Anne" he said "Yeah dad it's me is it ok if I have a friend over for awhile" I asked "Sure" my mom asked "Ok but don't freak out ok" I said "Ok" my mom said I brought Marcy threw the door "Oh she is a monster what is her name" my mmom asked "Marcy" I said "Well fill free stay a long as you want" my mom said "Thanks" Marcy said "No to it" my mom said after that day me and Marcy stayed together and avoided Marcy's parents I think I had the right choice to appect Marcy I love her so much and I hope we get married.

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