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Noah's grand opening wasn't short of anything grand. Almost half of Seattle was there including the Mayor, the board, and unfortunately Giselle Harrington. Like every grand opening, there was a red ribbon that needed to be cut by obnoxiously large scissors and I almost laughed at how unamused Noah was. He'd saved his speech for later, not wanting to look performative in front of the press. He hated them, his mother on the other hand primped his jacket and made sure to smile innocently for the cameras.

"She's one hell of an actress isn't she?" Andrew leaned over and whispered in my ear. He had come to the opening with a date, her name was Taisa. She had no connections to any criminal networks and had a legitimate job, not just one out of boredom. She was nice but she didn't overdo it like she was trying to impress me. That was good. I was the last person she needed to impress and the main person she needed to win over. It was a bit ridiculous but we all couldn't take any more chances.

"The best, I'm starting to think she chose the wrong profession." For a surgeon, she lacked any compassion. With the way Isaiah talked about her she wasn't any better at work, I wondered how she didn't have a malpractice suit by now.

"You know, I'm a little offended, you get an entire private section in the library and I get nothing? He was mine first."

Jealous as ever that was never going to change. You either had it or you didn't. I wasn't one to brag but I wasn't unfamiliar with lavish gifts from men. Though Noah's was the only one that had any real meaning. Doe eyes and plump lips would leave any man swooning, even if it did take eight months.

"Maybe if you weren't so shallow you'd be mentioned," He placed a hand on his hollow chest and pretended to cry. Taisa glanced over at us a few times, her eyes filled with warning. She was a bit serious for Andrew but maybe that was what he needed. Someone to raise his maturity level.

"I think Taisa's going to kill us if we keep talking," he laughed. I shrugged and began clapping as the rest of the crowd did. Noah had finally cut the bow and the doors to the new city library were officially open.

"Not my problem, I'll see you later," I hurried through the crowd to escape the cold. My dress was a bit flimsy and my feet were exposed. I was wearing a coat but the numbness had started to reach my nose, sooner or later frostbite would kick in.

Luckily the inside was warm and not just in temperature. You could tell Noah had a hand in the design by how simplistic it was. It wasn't showy or over the top. It was elegant and pretty? I never thought I would call a library pretty but that's what it was. Even the children's section, bright with color and decorative paintings was simple yet engaging. The sound of children was bustling throughout the room with worried parents chasing after them. The scene would've surely stressed Noah but I enjoyed it.

I hoped to have a little bookworm of my own one day. Maybe not running through a library like it was a playground but one that enjoyed books wholeheartedly. Past the endless rows of books was a small room, a daycare for parents that had to get work or homework done and had no one else to watch their babies. Noah had thought of it all and was extremely kind for even incorporating something like that into a library of all places.

"He's a saint isn't he?" I was good with voices. I recognized that husky tone. It was Tom Duhamel, looking extremely sharp in his suit might I add.

"He's very kind, yes," I replied.

"I'm actually glad I ran into you, it isn't every day you meet a woman who has Noah Harrington at your doorstep begging for guidance." I liked Tom but I wondered where he was going with this. He had to have known I knew what went down with Sunny, what was the point in bringing it up here of all places.

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