Chapter 1

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Hi, Im Atlanta Comfort. And before you ask, yes that is my name and no it's not because of the ocean. There's a hole story behind it but I won't go into any of the details.

I'm your average teen. Un-social, not great company, don't like the outside, love food and strange. I'm about 5'4, skinny, long brunette hair to the middle of my back, glasses, and blue eyes. Although I do have a lot of talent's, I'm not really up to sharing them to anyone. (Apart from Instagram =P)

I have 2 brothers. Brooklyn who is 11 and Noah who is 8. I only have a mom, dad left before Noah was born. I guess I was never really close to him, neither was my mum to be honest. He was never abusive just... I dunno. When my mum found out she was pregnant with Noah and he just kinda lost it. No reason actually. Before I knew it he was gone.

Also turns out I'm moving from boring Boston to Georgia, Atlanta. A place I have no idea about. I have no idea if I'm going to fit in or not. Maybe I'll be known as that shy girl from Boston or as the most outgoing person in the school. I don't know. I'm hoping the first. I've never really been good at fitting in. I mean why would I, I'm a un-social , home-schooled girl from one of the least interesting towns in the county.

I'm also going to a public school, if you haven't guessed already. I will have to experience proper human interactions with possibly around 1,500 people 5 days a week. Yay. *Sarcasm intended*

Anyway, enough about my dull background, I'm about to board a plane that may or may not be taking me to my doom. You can tell why I'm not great company, can't you. This is going to be fun, I can tell. *sarcasm intended*



Hi guy's. I'm so sorry this chapter is incredibly short, the others will be longer, I promise.That was my first chapter of this story/fanfiction thing. It's kind of a mix between the two. It has Chandler Riggs in it but he's not on the walking dead and famous and all, he's just him. I'm also sorry if I get some of my facts wrong, I'm not smart. I'm not basing the character off anyone apart from a couple traits from me like she's awkward and really difficult to warm up to. Anyway, thanks again and I'll talk in the next time.




All that good stuff, see ya, BYE!

Ria Xxxx

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