Chapter 10

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((Big thank you to Chandlerriggsismine6 for all the support, I looooove yooou!!))



((Outfit at the top but black combat boots not white convers))

After we had pizza and watched '22 Jump Street' it was around 6 and Chandler decided it was best for him to go home.

"Okay, just let me get my shoes on." I said, standing up.

"Atlanta, I know the way back to my own house." He chuckled, standing up as well.

"Yer yer, I know, but I have nothing else to do. And anyway it's an excuses for me to use my Penny-bord." I said, grabbing my combat boots and doing them up.

"I didn't bring mine."

"Lucky I have spars." I grinned , running upstairs and grabbing my rather large collection of penny-bords.

"Jesus." I herd him whisper as I brought down a huge bag with about 15 different peny-bords in.

"Well go on, choose." I encouraged.

After about 10 minutes, he chose a blue one with black wheels and I chose one that was black with purple wheels. I grabbed my door keys and my phone and put them into the back pocket of my shorts I had changed into, and walked out behind Chandler, closing it behind me.

I dropped my penny-bord on the road and placed my left foot an the bored, pushing off with the other. ((I would just like to point out, I have never used a penny-bord so I'm just guessing))

I watched as Chandler did the same in front of me and we set off. As we were going down the road, I looked down at my feet and instantly thought 'that would be a great picture' but then again, Chandler is right there. I don't want him to think I'm insane. If I'm sneaky enough, I might be able to get a picture without him noticing.

I pulled my phone out from my back pocket, while still trying to balance on the penny-bored, and held it so the camera was facing my feet.

Damn, it's not high enough.

If I just lift it, a little higher.

Just a little more-

"What the hell are you doing?" I herd a voice from next to me.

Shocked from the sudden voice, I fell to the side, off my penny-bord and onto the concrete. I landed on my left side, sliding slightly before coming to a complete stop.

"Shit, what the fuck Chandler!" I shouted, feeling a stinging pain all up the left side of my body.

"Crap, I'm so sorry!" He replayed, jumping off the penny-bord, and running up to me, crouching down next to me. "Have you broken anything?" He asked, a panicked look spreading across his face.

"No, but I'm still in A LOT of pain." I grumbled.

"Shit, okay, give me a second." He breathed, looking around frantically. He stood up, running down the road and grabbing both the penny-bord. Luckily there were no cars on the road, otherwise we would be screwed right now.

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