Chapter 6

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"Oh come oh. It would look great on you!" Kat pleaded.

"No It wouldn't I have to much of a stomach for that." I replied, defiant.

She didn't say anything, just rolled her eyes. I know what she wanted to say, 'Look Atlanta, you are not fat, you have one of the thinnest body's I know' But she knew it would never work. I'm not necessarily self-conscious, I'm just not really happy with my weight.

"I don't have anything else." She said, throwing the red dress she had just suggested. "Please just try this one!" She pleaded again, picking up a deep blue colored one she had suggested before.

"No, told you I don't think I would look any good in that dress." I said again.

"Just try it on!" She said, using her puppy-dog eyes on me.

I thought for a moment. "Fine! But only if you stop nagging me about it!"

"Yay!" She giggled, delighted with herself. I don't know what it was, but she could get anyone to do anything she wanted, I swear.

Letting out a laughing sigh, I grabbed the dress and walked into her bathroom. I undressed and then pulled the dress on walking out. "I told you I would look stupid." I said walking out with a I-told-you-so look on my face.

She didn't say anything for a second.

"Is it really THAT bad?" I said, looking down, trying to get an idea of what I looked like.

She shook her head, still in disbelief at god knows what.

"You look.." She didn't finish her sentence.

"Awful, terrible, fat, ugly. The list goes on." I said rolling my eyes.

"Amazing." She finished. "This is the most feminine I've seen you in the passed week." She giigle slightly.

"Really?" I said, raising my eyebrows.

She gestured towards the huge mirror behind me. Rolling my eyes, I turned around, and was taken aback by what I saw. I saw a 16 year old girl with a pretty dress , long-ish brunette hair all curled and a face with just about enough make-up on to make her look acceptable staring back at me. She actually look alright.

This was the prettiest I've looked since my dad left. I was one of those little girls who always wore dresses, loved the color pink and was an all round happy person. After he left, I turned all dark and didn't wear dresses or liked the color pink. I turned moody as well. I closed off and didn't like talking to people. My dad might not have been the best person but doesn't mean he didn't have an effect on me when he left.

I stood there, looking at myself for about a minuet until Kat interrupted my thoughts.

"So finishing touch." She grabbed a pair of heels from behind her.

"No. No. I'm alright with the dress but not the heels. Can I not just wear a pair of converse?" I pleaded this time.

"Fine." She grumbled. "but if your going to be my friend, your going to have to at some point." She finished, before tuning around and getting herself ready.


"Is this his house?" I gawked, staring at the huge house stood before me.

"Yep, lets go." She giggled, grabbing my arm and dragging me in.

The strong stench of cigarettes and cheep alcohol hit me like a brick as we entered the house. Loud music echoed throughout the entire house and there were people everywhere. She continued to pull me through the packs of people until we got to table that had cans upon cans of cheep beer scatted across it. She picked up 2 and handed me one. I've had alcohol before but not lots at one time.

Good luck to me.


20 minuets later and I was slightly drunk.

I was talking to Ashley, Laura and Emily and I suddenly felt a tap on my back. I turned around to see Melissa and Kat behind me.

"Their about to play Dare or Dare, come on!" Melissa said grabbing my arm and dragging me to a huge circle of teenagers. We all squeeze and they started playing.

I looked around the circle and my eyes stopped and Chandler and Evie. She wasn't even talking to Chandler, she was flirting with some other joke. I felt really bad for him. Just then he turned his head and saw me staring. I quickly looked away, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw him staring at me. I smiled to myself and snapped out of my thoughts. That's when I noticed everyone looking at me...


"Hey everyone's about to play Dare or Dare." Sam said, pointing to a huge circle forming in the middle of the floor. We both joined it and I looked over at Evie. She wasn't even sitting next to me. She was flirting with some Calum guy of the Football team.

Sighing heavily, I turned to Sam and started talking to him while everyone else was sitting down. We talked for a bit and watched some people do some stupid stuff like down a can of beer and say a really cheesy pick up line to someone not playing. Then it got to Sam and he gave me an evil grin, looking from me to Atlanta.




I know what he's gonna do!

"I dare Chandler to kiss Atlanta." He said with the biggest smirk on his face. Ever since I first talked to her in Art on that first day, he has had some weird thing about me and Atlanta and I don't get it! I turned my head looking for Atlanta and saw her looking at me with a blank look on her face. She realized I was looking at her and tried to pretend she was looking at something else.

I don't think she know's what Sam just said.

Just then she realized everyone was looking at her and slowly turned red.

"What?" She asked, embarrassed.

"I'll say it again the." Sam said, rolling his eyes. "I dare Chandler to kiss Atlanta."

Atlanta's expression froze, clearly unsure of what to do. She took a fleeting look at Evie. So did I. She wasn't paying attention to the situation, she was still flirting with Calum.

Shrugging my shoulders, i shuffled over to Atlanta until our faces were inches apart.

"Hey babe." I joked.

A smile broke across her face and she giggled. I liked her like this. Relaxed. Not so up tight and unfriendly. More open and enjoying herself.

I leaned forward and our lips connected.

Our lips moved in sync. It was slow at first but grew, getting more passionate every second.

I don't know what it was but this kiss was... different. It wasn't like when Evie would kiss me or anyone for that matter. It felt more. Real.

Damn. She was a good kisser.

"CHANDLER!?" A voice practically screamed from behind me.

Oh Shit...


Hahaha, your welcome for the cliffhanger =P

Also, just thought i'd point out that I felt extremely awkward writing that kissing bit and re-wrote it like 10 times.

Anyway, thoughts on this chapter?

Also, yes again, it's late but I'm still on holiday and the internet here is crap.


So yer, see you later


Ria Xxxx

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