Chapter 18

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*two weeks later*


I've been in the hospital for about 2 weeks and the doctors said my ribs are pretty much alight now. My leg is still a little funny so I'm going to have to wear crutches for about another week but I'm being let out tomorrow!

Chandlers been coming in everyday after school, telling me everything to keep me interested, and it defiantly been working. Plus, i was moved into another room with another girl my age. Her names McKayla ((Chandlerriggsismine6 ;) )) but she said to just call her Kay. She's pretty awesome actually, we have a lot in common. Turns out she broke her leg in a motorbike race or something. 

It was currently around 12 so we we're having the disgusting hospital lunches talking about relationships.

"So what's with you and that Chandler guy that's totally obsessed with you?" She asked, shoving a mouthful of off peas, making a disgusted face as she did.

"Nothing, that I'm aware of. We did kinda say we liked each other but nothing really happened after that." I answered, realizing just how stupid that sounded.

"Wait," she mumbled, swallowing her mouthful of food "You said you liked each other but nothing happened. The hell is wrong with you guys?"

"And we kissed." I smiled, remembering the feeling.

"That doesn't make it better! you admitted you love for each other then kissed and he didn't even ask for a date?" She said, shocked.

"It's not the first time we kissed either, we've kinda had a couple make out sessions as well." An even bigger smile spreading across my face, twitching slightly at the memory of his hands on my thigh.

"Oh this just keep getting better doesn't it." She chuckled, shaking her head. "Look, You. Love. Him. Anyone could guess it just being in the same room as you two. Hell, I did. But with the information you have just given me, it has confirmed my research. Seriously, just fuck already or something." 

"KAY!" I screamed, chucking a carrot at her, bursting out laughing after I did. I felt heat rising in my cheeks. Jesus, she is so weird.

"What? Just saying." She shrugged, turning back to her food.


*The next day*


Atlanta gets to come back home today!

I'm so exited to see her. I didn't get to see her yesterday because my mum wanted me to get all my homework done before her and dad left for the weekend. They were going to this meeting this somewhere for work so they had to stay out there for the weekend. It's lucky as well because her mum cant look after her this weekend because shes also working double shifts and her brothers defiantly cant look after her, so shes staying here until my parents get home.

I watched the clock impatiently, waiting for the bell to ring for the end of school. 

"We don't know exactly when it happened but we do kno-" Miss Kelly's voice sounded, but was interrupted by the bell. I jumped up, packed my stuff and was out the door within seconds. I quickly rushed to the bus and sat down. Then I had to wait another 30 minutes until the bus was full and had got to my stop. As soon as the doors open, I jumped out and sprinted home. As I got through the door, I chucked my bag down, grabbed my car keys and ran straight back out the door again.

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