Chapter 22

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The song at the top goes so well with this Chapter. It's called 'To Build A Home' by The Cinematic Orchestra. To be honest, any sad song will work, it's just this is the one I I was listening whilst writing it. I'll tell you when to start playing it but get ready for this chapter.


~I'm sorry~

New Years Eve


"Please!" I begged my mum for the 50th time.

"I don't know Atlanta. It's New Years, we normally have that as family time." She said, still not convinced.

"It's just one year, I've spent all the others with you, and I will spend most of them with you. It's just a party with my friends for New Years!" I wined continuously.

"It's at Chandler's yeah?" She asked.

"Yes!" I answered eagerly "And I'll be sleeping there so you won't have to worry about me at all."

"Okay, fine, but BE CAREFUL. I used to go to party's when I was your age and I know the sort of stuff they do." She warned.

"Yes! Thank you thank you thank you!! " I squealed, giving her the biggest hug.

"Your welcome sweetie, just promise you'll be careful." A slightly worried expression on her face.

"I promise mummy." I giggled like a 2 year old.


((Party Outfit at the top))

I was around 9:30 and I started it walk to Chandler's.

I know he had invited a lot of people but I didn't realize the scale until I got there. People were spilling out the door, covering his front lawn, as well as already empty bottles and red solo cups. The low bass of music vibrated even out to the front path. He's obviously done this before.

I hesitantly walked up to the house, squeezing through the pack of people in the doorway. I was meet by hundreds of intoxicated crowds, swaying to the beat of the music. I searched around the house for a good 20 minutes, pushing through people and trying to avoid the attention of drunk boys, Until I found Chandler taking shots in the kitchen.

"Hey babe!" He slurred enthusiastic, wrapping his arm around me. "This is my girlfriend everyone!"

"We know, you don't stop talking about her." Gray said, rolling his eyes. "He's been drinking a little to much." He whispered to me.

"I can tell." I giggled.

"Here you go baby." Chandler stumbled, grabbing me a shot.

"Oh not tonight, I remember what happened last time." I smiled at him, pushing him away.

"Come on! It's New Years Eve! You have to!" He encouraged.

"Okay!" I agreed, taking the shot from Chandler, "Not too many though."

6 shots later and I'm out of it.

I had invited Kay from the hospital here and we were currently both on the 'dance floor' pretending to grind on each other. We we're both pretty drunk so we were slurring our words quite a lot, falling on each other occasionally.

"So what's up with you and your bf, you fucked yet?" She giggled uncontrollably.

"Ummmm...." I said awkwardly, biting my lip and looking down.

"OH MY GOD, YOU'VE SO FUCKED HIM!" She screamed in surprised.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I whispered, tying to place a finger on her mouth but missing.

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