Chapter 4

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⚠️This chapter contains drug and alcohol usage⚠️

Third person pov:

Y/n and ashtray have gotten closer over the last couple of weeks and had started to realize their true emotions to one another, they text each other on the daily, lately y/n has been going over to ashtrays place to hangout, y/n still doesn't like to talk about her past; now that it's even harder because her mom now moved in with her grandma to take care of her but still won't talk to her own daughter. But besides that ashtray and y/n were texting like usual when the conversation took an exciting turn

"So y/n what are your plans for tonight?"

"Nothing much probably gonna watch a movie or something why?"

"Well me and Fez just got done with something and heard that one of the kids in rue's school is throwing a party and I wanted to know if you wanna go with us?"

"I mean is it okay with Fez, if it's okay with him then I'll go"

"I just asked him he said it's cool with him but is it okay with your family if you go"

"All I gotta do is leave a note saying that I'm sleeping over at my cousin's place and I'm set for the night"

"Ight bet we'll be over in an hour, I'll text you when I'm outside"

"Okay I'll see you soon"

Y/n's pov:
Hell yeah finally something fun to do, before I got started with anything I made sure to make the note "I'm sleeping over y/c/n for the night I'll be back in the morning - y/n"
Okay now for makeup, I didn't want to go all out so I just put some natural makeup on, nothing much but now I don't know what to wear, I went through my whole closet and nothing ashtray just texted me saying their down the street fuck it,

I'll have him decide for me I texted ashtray back saying "hey when you get her come to my window I need your help with something" a couple minutes later and there's a little knock at my window, when I opened it I saw ashtray waiting on the other side, "Here let me help you in" I said as I held his hands,
"So what's the problem, what do you need help with?" He looked around curious, "Well I need your help picking out and outfit, I've narrowed it down to these 3 choices" ashtray stood their looking at the outfits then he would look at you then at the outfits again, "Mmmm this one it's not flashy and it looks comfortable" he said giving a warm smile, "All right then I'ma go change you can sit wherever and get comfortable I guess"

I felt kinda nervous letting him stay in my room alone only because I have some stuff in there that wouldn't make sense to him, I haven't told ashtray my full life story because I don't want to go through that again. When I came back he look very constrained...what was he reading....SHIT that's my journal I had to make for the court system I forgot to put it away, If he reads those pages I'm fucked,
It's okay y/n play it cool he doesn't know that you know what he's reading, I stepped back from the door and made a little bit of noise to let him know I was heading back, I could hear him putting the journal back where he found it, "You ready to go" he said looking me up and down "yeah let's go" I said forcing a smile.

Third person pov:
As ashtray helped y/n get out of her window she felt kinda guilty because she forgot to put her journal way when she was done with it.
Well y/n was feeling a little upset ashtray was feeling shocked about what he just found out, he realized that this could be a great opportunity to get closer to y/n, they arent so different after all

Ashtrays pov:

As we get into the car I noticed that y/n didn't look so you think she found out about me reading that journal I hope not, As me and y/n sat quite on the way to the party fez noticed "Yo y/n you smoke?" He looked back at her through the rearview mirror "Well it depends what are we smoking?" She looked back at him with a smirk on her face "Weed obviously!" Fez said holding up a joint "Oh shit yea I smoke weed" she said with a cheesy smile, he stopped at a red light and lit up the joint, he then took a hit and passed it to me and I did the same;
After I took a hit I passed it to y/n and after she took a hit she passed it back to fez. That broke the tension in the car because by the time we got to the party we were all in a good mood

Y/n's pov:

We arrived at the party super relaxed, at this point I had totally forgotten about the journal incident, I got nervous and so I grabbed ahold of ashtrays hand, we both stopped in our tracks and looked at each other, we both got excited because we weren't even in the house and could hear the music from down the street, we got closer to the house when I yelled at ashtray "Do you promise to stay with me the whole night"
"I promise I won't leave you okay, now come on let's go inside and party"
He yelled with the biggest smile. As soon as we walked in we got greeted by everyone at the party, now this I can get use to

To be continued

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