Chapter 6

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Ashtrays pov:
After dropping off rue, we were driving to the house and I could tell that y/n was half asleep.
Damn she's so pretty; she brings out the better in me, not one other girl has made me feel this way and that's coming from a drug dealer who has sold to a lot of females, although most are drug addicts

I'm not the only one who's noticed that either fez was always so supportive of me and y/n, he could tell that she wasn't as innocent as she seems; he knew she had gone through some shit but never brought it up.

As we pulled up to our house that night it felt like a dream it didn't feel real I think it was because the adrenaline had been wearing off, fez parked and we all headed inside to our rooms,

I took y/n to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet, I got a wet towel and started to take off her makeup, after that I took her to my room and sat her on the chair I had by my closet and began to take her shoes off

She looked at me with an upset look and said "these clothes are comfortable but I can't sleep in them" I looked up at her and got an idea "Okay let me get some clothes for you to wear"

I went into my closet and pulled out some sweats and a baggie shirt I had, "You can get dressed in here and I'll go change in the bathroom" with that I let her do what she needed well I did what I had to, as I was walking down the hallway I went to the closet we had and grabbed some blankets and a couple of pillows. Then I headed back to my room, I knocked on the door making sure to get her attention "You done yet?" I said waiting for a response "Yea you can come in now" as I opened up the door she was already laying in my bed.

I laid down the blankets and pillows I got from the hallway closet when I had heard something hitting the window repeatedly, I got up and looked out my window.... What the actual fuck, it's raining? In the middle of the summer that weird, I didn't think much of it though because it's not like I could control it, as it got later in the night the rain started to come down faster and harder so bad it even started to thunder.

As I was falling back to sleep I heard some noise coming from my bed, I looked up and to my surprise y/n wasn't asleep she was wide awake holding her hands to her ears and humming to herself,

I jumped up to my bed and grabbed her shoulder "Are you okay y/n, why didn't you tell me you were scared of the rain?" I said pulling her in closer "It's not the rain I'm scared of it's the thunder" I sat their thinking about how I could help, after awhile I got up and got my earbuds from my jacket pocket, I sat back down and grabbed my phone that was charging on the floor "Here put this in" y/n grabbed the earbud I gave her and put it in her ear well I put the other in mine "I'ma play you my favorite song" she looked at me kinda upset "How is some cheesy rap song gonna calm me down"

I looked at her and realized that, that's all I ever listened to around her, "That's not all I listen to you know" I said with a small smile, as I searched through my playlist I had finally found the perfect song, "Here this should help" I had put on Destroy Myself Just For You by Montell Fish, "Wow I didn't know you liked music like this?" y/n said with a surprised look on her face, as the song kept playing we got comfortable together in my bed,

I had no intention of doing anything else but calming down y/n and getting her back to sleep. The next song to start playing was Girl With The Tattoo Enter.lewd by Miguel, the last thing I remembered was me hugging y/n with one hand and covering her with the other and with that we closed our eyes and signed off for the night.

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