Chapter 11

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Y/n's pov
These past few weeks have been really blurry, I've been getting in a lot of fights with my family because of rosie blaming me for shit I didn't do, plus not to mention my mom and her fiance had put my grandma in a home without telling me not only is she's my best friend I love waking up to her in the morning and having our afternoon talks

My parents also haven't been home because they've been leaving on trips for weeks on end and won't even bother to call or reach out in any way,
I've been really worried lately because I've had to take on the motherly role and set examples for my sisters and my birthday is a couple days away and I don't think my parents are going to be home for it

I don't expect much for it and I don't bring it up to ash a lot either because I don't want him to worry, he has his own life to live and I don't want to drag him in my problems.

Ashtrays pov
Y/n hasn't been out as much because of her parents being absent so I've been coming to her, although I don't like that rosie doesn't help y/n all the time it is pretty funny seeing her try to help when I walk in the door,

Y/n told me what her friends said about her and I like to use that to my advantage, like for example when y/n needs help I'll say something like "Oh here let me help" when I'm clearly busy with my little buddy (y/n's younger sister)
And then she would look up from her phone and say "Oh no let me do it you obviously have your arms full"

It works every time plus it makes y/n smile, the best part of being over y/n's house with no adults tho has to be when we get to cuddle and watch TV,
it's even better when rosie has friends over because they like to stare which makes me laugh

But what doesn't make me laugh is when she brings her guy friends around because they always stare at y/n and it makes my blood boil

One night after y/n fell asleep on the couch I asked if I could have a serious conversation with rosie and my little buddy (Y/n's little sister)

"Look guys I don't know if you guys know but y/n's birthday is coming up and she doesn't expect anything for it but I atleast want to have a little surprise birthday party for her in the back yard, if you guys are willing to help plan and decorate I'd love the help?"

Rosie stood quiet for a little but my little buddy broke the silence by shaking her head and saying "I wanna help decorate and blow up balloons!"
Not gonna lie it brought a smile to my face knowing how much she cared for her older sister

"I'm not gonna do it" is all we heard out of rosie's mouth, I let out a small sigh thinking she'd atleast be the bigger person
"Okay well since you don't wanna be apart of this, could you atleast not tell y/n about the party?"

"Sure I guess.." and with that me and my little buddy had started to plan out the best back yard party anyone could ask for

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