Chapter 9

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Y/n's pov
Things have started getting a lot easier around the house now that Rosie stopped nagging about everything. My moms been being very nice lately, she's letting me go out a lot more and stay out later. There's one problem though she's been having me take Rosie with me, she says we need to "bond more" whatever that means

You could definitely notice that Rosie grew up different. I say this because she doesn't know how to do anything, I get stuck doing most of her chores so that my mom can stay happy. I know for the most part she plays stupid but I just don't say anything

However I could tell today was going to be a good day, I started it off with a shower and then some breakfast. After that I sat with my grandma and we had one of our usual conversations about how to make sure our garden stays healthy.
She's been getting a lot better now that she's on medication, I love to spend time with her. Lately I've been reading to her and she says it's the highlight of her day and I'd second on that.

It was around 12:30 am when I got a text from ashtray. He had just got done with a business transaction and wanted me to get ready because him and fez we're gonna come pick me up in a while, I told him okay but that I'd might have to bring Rosie with me,
He knows how much I hate taking her because all she does is complain and it's starting to stress me out to the point where I've started smoking a lot more, but I mean who wouldn't do that

With that I got up from bed and went into the kitchen to go ask my mom, but before I asked her I made some small talk so she wouldn't be suspicious "....Oh yeah mom do you think it would be okay if I went and hung out with ashtray today?" She just looked at me and said "You already know what I'm going to say"
Damn she is gonna have to come too "Yea mom I know, I'll tell her to get ready but I love you and thank you again" and with that I walked back to my room not gonna lie I was kinda upset that I had to take her but it is what it is

"Yo I'm going out and mom says you should come too" she looked up at me from her bed and said "Actually I was just gonna ask her if I could bring some friends over maybe they could even spend the night" she's brought them around a couple of times now and some of them are annoying but if that means she doesn't have to come with me I'm okay with it.

"Ight then you should go tell her right now so I could hurry up and leave" if she doesn't tell my mom before I have to leave I'll be grounded before I walk out the door.
"She said you could go but make sure to be back by 10" she said with a snobby attitude

I didn't even care that she was giving me an attitude because I don't have to take her but it was kinda weird how my mom wants me back by ten, she's never really gives me a time, she just tells me to not stay out to late??
Oh well I got ready and sat on the couch with my little sister. I was watching some cartoons with her when my phone buzzed, it was Ashtray letting me know he was outside

"Okay guys I'm leaving" I got a bunch of good byes from around the house, before I stepped out the door I gave my little sister and my grandma kisses on the cheeks

However before I left the dining room/living room, I noticed Rosie running up to the window in our room to look outside. I know why she was doing it and who she was doing it for. So I purposefully texted Ashtray and told him to stand outside the car.

I honestly think Ashtray saw her too because our window is in the front of the house, so moving the curtains to see out of it is pretty noticeable. He didn't ask any questions just did what was asked.

As a result of the text when I walked out to the car there he was. Ashtray was leaning back on the car with a smug look on his face, and damn did he look good. I'm glad he knew what was happening because it just made the situation so much funnier.
Before getting into the car I looked back a Rosie who was actually very visible through the window then looked back at Ashtray with a smile and gave him a kiss. After the kiss we both laughed to ourselves knowing what we had just done.

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