Chapter 10

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Ashtrays pov
After rosie and her friends left I looked over at y/n, She was laughing at the incident that just occurred "was that funny to you seeing me yell at that kid?" She just looked at me while smiling ear to ear "It kinda was, I've never seen you get jealous like that especially to a kid who has no worth towards me" I looked at her confused "So you haven't met him before?"

"What no this was the first time I've ever met any of those boys" I let a little sigh out I'm glad she doesn't care for them

Y/n's pov
Awhile had passed and I was looking at ashtray well he was helping another customer, I've never been this happy in my life, he's changed that for me

He's changed a lot of things for me like my perspective on life, I've always thought the universe didn't like me so they would make my life a living hell but ashtrays brought me realization that I was making life hard on my self

It got later in the night and the amount of customers had died down we were sittings around the shop with fez when he had got a call, it must have been serious because he got up and started walking to the backroom

Ashtray looked at me and thought for a second "I think we should close the shop because something not adding up" You could tell he was concerned "Alright I'll close this side you close that side

And with that we were gathering our things and getting in the car with fez "Yo y/n I know it's really sudden but we gotta get you home so we can go pick someone up" fez told me kinda of upset "Nah your fine I get it sometime you just gotta deal with it"

Awhile later fez pulled up to my house, I pulled out my phone to check the time when I realized it was 9:50 just in time, just so my mom wouldn't get mad I texted her saying I was home I just went through my window, I do that a lot so she doesn't really care

"Alright I guess this is goodbye for now" I said getting out of the car "Wait let me walk you to your window" ash said following behind me, we made it to my window and I could hear the girl inside, I slowly opened the window hearing the girl getting quite they must have gotten scared because I didn't hear them anymore

When I finally got up and in my window I could hear the girls in the back whispering, I did care about that right now because I was still with ash
"Alright I'll see you tomorrow okay I'm sorry we had to bring you home so early" he said from the step outside of my window "Your okay plus if I didn't come home now I wouldn't be able to see you for a month" I said as we started to laugh it off

Fez was honking for ash to go back to the car, he looked at fez then back at me, At the same time we went in to kiss each other on the cheek when our lips had met.....oh shit did we just have our first kiss

We pulled away and looked at each other no one said anything just a simple smile and he was running back to the car, I waved my hand to tell fez and ash bye which they replied too

As I put my whole body in the window, I could just feel the stares and slowly began to turn around, all the girl even rosie we're looking at me in complete shock, "So like you guys are a thing now?" Rosie said looking at me "I mean we've always been"

The whispering continued well I was getting ready for bed, I went into my closet to grab out the shirt I stole from ashtray when I realized it wasn't there, I didn't say anything and just turned to look at rosie, that bitch was wearing his shirt and she thought she looked good in it

"Who the hell do you think you are, going through my closet and taking my boyfriends clothes from me?" Did I just say boyfriend...Oh well we'll deal with that later

Rosie just looked at me with a scared look "Oh well I just saw it their and thought I would use it since we're sisters now" she's never used that excuse when she's tried to use my shit before
At this point I was heated, she really thought I wasn't going to do anything about it but she was wrong

"Whatever rosie just take off the damn shirt and give it to me" I said well putting my hand out, she looked at her friends with a worried look than took the shirt off and put another on that was sitting right next to her

I took the shirt and went to my dresser where I had some of his cologne at, I sprayed the shirt acouple of times then put in on, I could hear rosie telling her friends she was going to the bathroom and the door shutting behind her

"Hey y/n" I turned around to one of the girls who were sitting on the floor, "Yeah wants up?" She looked at the other girls than said "She put the shirt on just to make you mad, she knew all along that it was his and I'm pretty sure she has a little crush on him" what the actual fuck

"Damn...well thank you for letting me know your a real one I won't let her know you said anything but if you ever need anything I got you" I was still in shock and didn't notice the other girls behind her were all shaking their heads in agreement

I guess this is gonna be an actual feud, I turned back around and fell asleep thinking about it, how the hell was I gonna handle this....fuck

Hey guys sorry it's taking me so long to update I've been busy with school but I'm trying to get better at remembering to write 😁
Love y'all ❤️

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