Chapter 19

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Y/n's pov

Ever since me and ashtray made up Rosie's been a big bitch, she's started to still my stuff again and though it was funny to trash my side of our room before her friends came over

I know she still has a thing for ash but as long as I'm alive she won't have not one chance with him

Because of her we've been hanging out at his house because no one really bothers us, so that's where I was headed
Once I was done getting ready I had rode my bike over to ash's house so we can hang out, when I got there I put my bike down right in-front of the garage and headed to the front door

I knocked about 3 times before Faye answered the door "oh hey y/n, come in in" she said pulling me into a hug

Not gonna lie Faye's hugs were the best, I walked in right behind her and shut the door
Faye walks into down the hallway and disappears "Yo what's up y/n" I hear from the couch

I turn to see fez seating next to lexi who was waving at me "Hey y/n" I start putting my backpack down by the kitchen counter well telling them "Hey guys" with a smile

I walked over to ashtrays room but he wasn't in there? Then I went down the hall to the bathroom and no one was in there either

I walked back to the front room and sat next to Faye on the couch "where's ashtray at?" I said looking away from the t.v show that they were all watching

They all turned and looked at me confused, fez spoke up "what? He's not in his room?" I shook my head well telling him "Nope I checked in there, he's not in there or in any other room"

Fez moved his arm from behind Lexi and picked up his phone, I'm guessing he was calling ash

He got up from his seat and walked into ash's room well waiting for ash to pick up, but got no answer

He walked back into the room and sat back down "He didn't answer" not gonna lie he looked kinda pissed

I tried over and over again calling and texting him but I got no answer, after awhile I gave up on waiting and didn't want to try any longer

So I got up from the couch after the episode was over "Well if ash isn't showing up I guess I'll be heading back home"

They all looked at me with a "I'm sorry" look, I got my stuff by the door and said my goodbyes

Fez was right behind me watching me leave the house making sure nothing happened, but before I walked out the front door he told me..

"Y/n, Don't worry to much ash does this sometimes, ever since he was old enough to know how we became family, he shuts himself off from the world as if it's him against it, he doesn't like to tell anyone but he get seasonal depression"

After he told me that he hugged me and sent me on my way, that was the first real hug he gave me and I will never forget it

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