Random story- Ikemen Sengoku

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This is a random story I found on Pinterest.

Unfortunately the story was put up in pieces so I had to find them all and get them in the right order..............It was painful.

The Morning After- Nobunaga, Kenshin

You woke up with a start, groaning. Slowly, your
eyelids fluttered open, and you took in your
surroundings. Sunlight streamed in through the
open window, softly illuminating your
surroundings. You heard a slight snore from your
right, and turned to see what it was. Greeted with
the sight of Nobunaga fast asleep, arm encircling
your waist, softly breathing in his sleep. You
smiled gently, brushing a hand over his cheek. He
groaned, almost imperceptibly moving away from
the touch.

So he was ticklish after all. You laughed softly,
trying not to wake him up. Something pulled on
your left hand, and you turned. On your left,
Kenshin was deep in slumber, his pale eyelashes
fluttering as he shifted. His fingers were entwined
with your hand, and he groaned. You brushed his
cheek softly, and he settled down. Peaceful now,
you slowly closed your eyes and drifted back to

And then your eyes shot open with the realization
of what you'd just seen. Rubbing your eyes, you
checked to make sure you weren't hallucinating
or still possibly dreaming. Right then, the deep,
aching throb in your head registered. And then
the slight chill you were feeling, despite being
between the two of them and under the covers.
Kenshin's leg brushed against your own, and your
eyes widened at the feel of bare skin on your
own. No, no, no, nonononono please tell me
we're not... You lifted the covers just enough to
peek under them, then dropped them back down
just as quickly, face flushing a deep red.

We are. The three of you were bare under the
sheets, and only now did you realise that
Nobunaga's arm was too warm around your
waist. Wait.. if you were naked and in bed with
both of them...then.. You face flushed an even
deeper red as you remembered moaning their
names rather wantonly last night.

Oh god. You had possibly the worst hangover
raging, you were naked, and you were in bed with
two of the most powerful warlords of your time.
Who also happened to be arch-enemies.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to recall
exactly what got you in this position in the first
place. Gleaming gold eyes and a sly grin came to
mind. Mitsuhide.

Sasuke had the brilliant idea of getting the
warlords together for a party. At said party, he'd
pressed cup after cup of sake into your hands,
ensuring you were well and truly smashed within
minutes. Then he proceeded to send you up to
the tenshu where Nobunaga and Kenshin were
fighting, rather loudly, to 'diffuse the situation'.
Glancing around at your current situation, you
cursed Mitsuhide to the depths of hell, groaning
silently. Of all the people to have a threesome
with, it had to be these two.

You tried to push yourself up off the futon, only to
fall back down onto it when searing pain lanced
through your abdomen and belly. Wincing, you
pushed yourself up on your elbows, hissing at the
ache that shot through your legs and insides.
Flopping back down onto the bed, sweat beaded
along your hairline as you panted softly. Shit. By
the throbbing in your lower half, you weren't
going anywhere until someone came to check on
these two. And if they woke up.

You glanced again at the two sleeping warlords.
Heaven help you when these two woke up.

A short, light rap sounded on the doorframe of
the balcony. You lifted your arm and glimpsed
Sasuke poking his head down, leaning over the
edge of the roof. He waved at you. Help me, you
mouthed at him. He frowned, then his eyes
landed on either side of your face, taking in the
two snoring warlords sandwiching you. His face
cracked in a smirk, and you glared at him. Not
funny. Help me.

He pondered it for maybe two seconds, then he
shook his head. Not a chance, he mouthed back
to you. You jaw dropped, and you stared at him
incredulously. Help me or I'll set off all your smoke
bombs. Every single one. He raised a mocking
eyebrow and smirked at you. Oh really? How? His
face disappeared, and seconds later, a blur shot
past the window as Sasuke leaped off the roof
into the courtyard below

I'll always be protecting you' BULLSHIT,

Sasuke neatly dropped in through the window.
Mitsuhide looked up from the tea he was
preparing. "How is she?" Sasuke snorted, a rare
display of emotion.

"Thoroughly regretting her decisions. I don't think
anyone should go up there anytime in the next
few hours." Mitsuhide chuckled, taking a sip of
his tea. Sasuke sat down across from him and
grabbed a cup. "This is good."

The two men sat in silence, sipping their tea and
listening to the sounds of the castle. After a few
moments, Sasuke spoke up. "Should we help

They glanced at each other briefly, then looked
away, each smirking internally. "Nah." Bastards.

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