Leonardo x Platonic!OC

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This is a small one shot I thought about today using my OC.


Name: Jamie
Age: 15 (In this AU)
Pronouns: She/They

A deep curtain blotted with ink hung above the world, a gleaming mad man's smile sitting amongst it. The mansion was silent, ignoring the small bustle coming from a few of the residents' rooms.

An emperor, soundly dozing and to be as such until the sun returns and the morning bird sings. A soft lullaby from the world renowned musician echoed through the long halls. A pen's ink engraving itself into the surface of paper, no doubt Arthur pushing himself for his beloved readers once again.

But these were not the only sounds filling the crisp air of nighttime, for footsteps carried a tall figure towards a staircase. Golden eyes pierced through the darkness, much like that of a feline- his for that matter. He finally stopped at a door. 'Rooftop' It read. He pushed the door open and began ascending the passage to another land.

This activity was usually done in the pure-blood's own quarters, but 'twas not the case tonight. He had been restless, perhaps too many naps in the day left him unable to sleep when all others would. Nether the less he wished to properly confront the magic out of reach to all- mortals and other.

The male opened the door he had been lead to, only he did not move from that place. Something which he had not predicted lay underneath the sky, a curious blue gaze staring up at it.

Could she have been unconscious after an accident? No, her eyes were open, and her chest was still rising.

His thoughts clouded over quickly and he lost sense of the reality of the situation. As the vampire tried to understand the circumstances, she looked over.


His mind returned. He responded to her call with a sudden eye contact. Her bright blue eyes could hold the earth in them, among the wonder which they faced everything around them with. She was pure hearted despite all her troubles which she had so kindly shared to him and the other residents. She was so shy and cold at first, he worried that she might leave the temporary home and be lost to the streets of Paris.

The male realised he had been staring when an abrupt giggle rose in the air.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" She had stopped looking at him and returned to the stars.

He swallowed the bulging lump that resided in his throat with a sound she no doubt heard. He walked over and sat down next to her, his plans non existent foiled by her presence. When he only sat, she clutched the back of his collar and brought him down. A small yelp escaped his lips, promptly followed by a hushed thud.

He lay beside her now. Not once had she looked at him though, contrary to the many glances he cast her way. Instead she silently watched, a distant smile upon her lips and crimson locks fluttering in the wind.

"You know I never really liked astronomy." She spoke up randomly.

Amber eyes flicked over to her as they had been all night, but this time they rest upon her figure.

"I never found myself interested by science. Didn't really like physics, chemistry, even engineering was a bother. But one night, I looked out my window and what I saw......." She stopped to lightly shake her head, almost as if she didn't believe herself.

"The world was different. I had never taken proper notice of the night, but I realised how vast our universe is. We barely know anything about it. We probably don't even know half the stuff there is to know about stars!"

She rambled on, "........ There are definitely more constellations........ A lot wouldn't even be known in my time let alone this one....."

All he could do was watch.

All he could do was smile.

Smile at the passion she spoke with as she told her story. Smile at the childlike happiness and spirit put forth through carefully articulated words.

One week.

One week he had known her and he already wished to protect her. He felt as if she were a younger sister, him her brother. Unbeknownst to him, however, she thought the same things.

Unfortunately, her other thought was not so bright.

"I'm sorry."

Her sudden, quiet voice was drenched in sadness.

Leonardo was quick to become worried, and when she didn't continue he murmured out "Cara Mia?"

Quite fond she had grown of the nickname. When she had come with her friends, he called them all Cara Mia too. She acted as though she did not care, she payed no mind to it. Once she even chastised him for placing the name upon her, telling him to never associate her with that name again.

But now all she wished was to hear it, for she found comfort in the name and the caring voice that said it.

"I'm probably being annoying, talking so much....." The fifteen year old's eyes no longer shone. "I do that sometimes. I'm used to people getting mad at me about it so feel free to tell me off." She wasn't looking at anything now but her own emotions.

He had seen her trapped in her own mind. She was everyday. She did not see that he enjoyed listening to her. She did not see he was happy she felt comfortable with him. When a single tear ran down her face, he knew he had to salvage the previously one way conversation.

"I've don't know much about stars and constellations," Leonardo paused, "can you, teach me?" He timidly asked. The girl looked at him with wide eyes and he noticed how the wind blew her hair away from her face, showing her scar. She smiled a little, and then turned back to the night.

Leonardo listened intently, looking to where she occasionally pointed out a constellation. She knew what he was doing, but it wasn't out of the pity she hated. He was honestly interested, and he wasn't annoyed by her constant chatter.

The two talked for hours, the topic quickly switching to more of Jamie's interests.

Soon enough, Leonardo no longer heard her voice, but light breaths coming out slowly. He looked over to see her eyes closed, and her mouth parted a little. Leonardo nearly lost it, the pure blood finding her so incredibly adorable he didn't know what to do.

Leonardo chuckled a little once he came to his senses, and sat up. He got into a crouching position and lifted up the girl as if she were a feather. She naturally snuggled into his chest. A small smile graced her face, as did his.

He carried her back inside, down the stairs and to her room. He opened the door and put her in the bed. He noticed the dark red and black sheets Le Comte had specially made for her when she arrived at the mansion.

Leonardo looked around the bedroom. She had already decorated it as if it were her childhood room, many of the things were specially made. Some were even made by her own hands. He noticed a small wooden mechanism sitting on her desk. She was skilled and creative. Surely good qualities to have in her own time, he tried to convince himself. This wasn't her home.

Leonardo shook his head. He tucked Jamie under the sheets and watched as she brought them up to her chin and nuzzled them. Leonardo smiled once more, then silently left the room. He couldn't be bothered to go back to his room however, so he sat on the ground and fell asleep immediately.

Jamie would have a surprise when she woke up.


This kinda turned to shit towards the end. I also changed it so that the original ages for my OCs are the same as MC's (don't know how old she is). There will just be AUs where the characters are younger like this.

So..... Later :)

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