Faust x Charles x OC

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OC used: Jamie (it'll be in her POV)


That seemed to be all that they could think about when they saw me. Merciless teasing every time I came over, always blabbering on about giving me satisfaction and pleasure.

But I'm not an idiot.

Over the years, trust issues and trauma left me with an excellent judge of character and the ability to know someone's thoughts before they did. People wore their emotions and thoughts on their faces, if not, it was in their eyes.

I'm quiet, an observer, constantly taking mental notes and storing them away so I could sense when something was wrong. I knew when to leave before I was hurt.

Something that baffled me though was love. And that's what they made me feel.

I don't know if I'm labelling it correctly, I've never experienced it. I suppose I love Riley. After all, she was the one who got me off the streets and into her home and had always cared for and looked after me. But platonic love is different, it wasn't what I felt towards them.

I wanted to know their pasts and help them face them. I wanted to break down their walls and in return, they break down mine. I wanted to hold them, sleep between them, and laugh and smile because of them. I wanted to feel safe and happy like a family would.

At first, that's what they were, all three of them for that matter. Vlad, Charles-Henri and Faust, my own vampire family. That dream, that comfort, it's all being torn apart now just as my heart is.

I had spoken to Olive, the worst choice ever. How is an aromantic meant to help with being in love? She recommended that I go to Riley, which I would have if not for the overwhelming fear of her overbearingness.

Instead of talking to someone else, I sat in my room and worked through my thoughts... and my tears. All I was able to understand was I love them both.

I'm in love with Charles and Faust. Both equally too.

When I was 16, I discovered I was pansexual which was around the time Olive figured out she was aromantic. She made many clarifications though that she was not asexual, not surprising considering her flirting abilities and her usage of them were off the charts. Something I had never factored in was whilst I experience attraction, I had never actually been in love. I had one relationship with a woman when I was 19 and it did not last long. I didn't consider that I may be polyamorous.

It's not all that common even in my time, let alone here. You walk down the street holding two people's hands and everyone stares. It took them long enough to adjust to my wearing trousers and dark colours, not that I care but it's annoying always being stared at where you go.

So now I stood here, in front of the castle where my loves lived at. People rarely visited so Vlad had told me I didn't need to knock. We'll know it's you, he said. Probably good because, like me, my knock was quiet.

I pushed open the heavy door and stepped into the dark castle. I had spent the whole day figuring out what to do so it was evening now, the sun giving the insides of the castle an amber glow.

I walked further in, not seeing any of the residents yet, and I felt my anxiety building. Worried that I couldn't hear Charles's excited footsteps echoing the halls like always, I called out.

"Hello?" My voice resounded in the chamber and I suddenly saw silver hair around the corner. The vampire matching the hair also came into sight with his usual smile plastered on his face.

"Good evening Jamie, you're here awfully late aren't you," Vlad said. I rushed over to him, determined not to delay my confessions any longer.

"Vlad, do you know where Charles and Faust are?" I looked up at him with pleading eyes. Vlad looked confused, a hint of concern gracing his expression.

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