Scenario - Platonic (friends)

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As more of an insight into my characters' personalities, these are situations of how they would act with the other characters without dating. These only include the mansion ones + Shakespeare. Also, how there are distinct groups of three the characters (represented in trailers mainly), and one from each of those groups will be partnered with one of the female characters.

If you guys are getting sick of seeing me write about my characters then please leave a request for reader x suitor/s or other things.

@AnimeAngel176 I'm sorry your request is taking so long, I'm struggling with it. I promise I'll get it done as soon as possible.

Napoleon and Olive
- They immediately get along
- They both have leadership qualities and main character energy
- They enjoy cooking together, Olive sharing Japanese and African cuisines and Napoleon sharing French ones
- Napoleon gets very mischievous with Olive, and they enjoy pranking the other residents
- Napoleon tried to save Olive and the others when they first came, and she's grateful to him for trying to protect her friends

Mozart and Riley
- As Mozart is Mozart, the two did not get along well at first
- Riley tried to talk to him but he shut her out
- Stubborn as she is, though, Riley continued to pester the musician until he just accepted her presence
- He began feeling lonely without her, he would never admit it though
- Mozart enjoyed the moments when he played while she cleaned, comfortable in each other's presence

Leonardo and Jamie
- Honestly? Jamie was terrified by Leonardo at first
- How he called her Cara Mia was unsettling, and the way he always looked like he was up to something scared her
- Eventually, though, she noticed his vulnerable side
- They way he would pet Lumiere with a boyish grin, how he fell asleep in the middle of the hallway, how he was a bit of a loner, Jamie felt a little similar to him
- They bonded over their love of creating things, and Leo was impressed by the drawings she made. They weren't like his sketches for inventions, they were creative and spoke her emotions, even without colours

Arthur and Olive
- Jamie had to physically tear Olive away from Arthur before they slept together
- Arthur wasn't actually her type though, and she was honest with him
- They flirt and tease each other but both know that's all it is
- Olive wasn't exactly happy with how he flirted with Riley, she wasn't jealous she was just annoyed he didn't leave her alone. He had tried to flirt with Jamie, but they nearly broke his finger and then threatened to snap his neck
- The dirty jokes make up their entire conversations... it's revolting

Vincent and Riley
- Pure sunshine + Extreme optimist = Naivety on another level
- These two walk the halls, cuddle in the gardens, chat until their throats are dry (which never happens because they know how to stay 100% hydrated)
- Theo and Jamie are their babysitters
- Their favourite activity is to have picnics in a meadow and make flower crowns for each other

Theo and Jamie
- What happens when you put a sadistic asshole with a suicidal trauma child? Absolute chaos
- No one can tell whether they like each other or not. One minute they're yelling at each other and on the verge of a fist fight, the next they're smiling and laughing
- When Jamie walked through the door wearing a bulky choker, he thought she might actually be a dog
- They bond over the fact that they have innocent older siblings who need constant surveillance, but can basically control them because Theo and Jamie adore their siblings so much

Isaac and Olive
- Someone save the poor boy
- Even though she has a personality similar to Arthur and Dazai's, they somehow get along
- Baked him an apple pie, he liked it and asked her if she wanted to share
- Even though he's only taller by 1cm, Isaac feels proud of that
- Has to keep Harry away from Olive because she keeps hurting herself trying to pick him up

Jean and Riley
- Riley has experience with things like depression and suicide from Jamie, so she can help Jean a little
- Like Mozart, they sit in comfortable silences often
- Riley gets Jean into reading and they become book pals
- Jean has a lot of time on his hands so he likes accompanying Riley when she goes shopping
- He's also quite fond of Jamie, eyepatch pals

Dazai and Jamie
- Who's a suicidal person's best friend? Another suicidal person!
- Honestly, they're either the best or worst pairing
- Tried to make a deal where they could kill each other, therefore making it murder. Riley wasn't happy when she heard their plan
- Jamie has turned to using windows and trees as a mode of transportation
- They enjoy climbing trees together and taking naps in them. Dazai enjoys when Jamie curls into his chest and snores quietly, sometimes he just watches her until she wakes up
- Jamie really likes Bunta, she finds his squishy cheeks adorable and likes it when he sits on her head

Sebastian and Olive
- Olive takes care of the cooking chores so her and Sebastian hang out a lot
- They enjoy swapping stories about his time in the mansion, Olive's time in Africa, and both their times in Japan
- Don't really do much else, just enjoy hanging out or Olive follows Sebastian while he does his chores

Comte and Riley
- Posh, fancy, high class, sophisticated, tiny tea addicts- that was what it looked like when they were together
- Comte feels guilty that he got Riley and the others into the mess, but she tells him it's alright. All she needed was Jamie and Olive, they were basically all she had anyway
- Riley almost had a panic attack when she saw Comte's fur scarf come to life, it was Time (let's say the ferret enjoys hanging around his neck idk)

Shakespeare and Jamie
- Jamie has a thing for misunderstood people, being one herself
- She enjoys his eccentric way of speaking
- She only met Shakespeare through meeting Vlad and the others so the fact the mansion men hate him was pretty normal for her to see
- Adores Puck! Shakespeare could get her to do anything if it meant she could cuddle Puck. Like Bunta, she loves putting him on her head
- Loves watching Shakespeare and the troupe at practises, loves the final product even more
- Shakespeare always has a ticket or two set aside for her

What pets they get

Jamie- Snake, Ramen, male
Olive- Guinea pig, Ping, male
Riley- Cat, Shib shib, male (from an incorrect quote)

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