Blue roses and atheists

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How Jamie met the castle trio.
Told from Jamie's POV

I scaled the shelves, searching for something new and enticing. I was already finished with the books I got a week ago and now there was nothing left. No matter how many book stores I went to or when I asked the owners (I had to push through my anxiety so many times I was in bed for a full day), nothing was coming in for weeks.

I sighed, giving up for another day. I had art block so I couldn't do that either, I was becoming bored out of my mind. I was about to leave when Mr Aubert, the owner, popped out from the back.

"Oh, Jamie!" He smiled at me. I gave him a small smile, "Hello, Mr Aubert," I said walking up to the counter. He chuckled, placing a hand on his stomach. He was probably in his late 50s, his hair was greying and receding and his skin gained more wrinkles by the day. He always looked so happy when he smiled and laughed, I think he has dimples. "Please, call me Curtis." He readjusted his glasses. "Ok, Mr Curtis." He sighed but smiled nonetheless.

"I'm glad I caught you, you see-" he reached under the counter and pulled out a box of hardcover books- "I've just gotten a new fantasy series." I widened my eyes a little, peering into the box and inhaling the calming aroma. I looked up at Curtis, silently asking for approval to touch them. He gave me a single nod. I reached in and picked up the first book I could. I wasn't wearing my right glove today, I never did when I went to the bookstore because I enjoy the feeling. I ran my fingers along with the navy blue cover, it was embossed with a gorgeous gold border as was the spine, and written in fancy golden letters: Portes d'Hadès. Gates of Hades.

Curtis picked up another book with an emerald green cover: Le souhait de Perséphone or Persephone's wish, "The whole series is here." He said. "It's about the Greek gods, as you once told me about, and I think you would enjoy it. It matches up with your last favourites." He was right. I was a sucker for a good fantasy novel let alone a series, especially when gods were involved. I looked into the box again and realised that it was full to the brim with different colours, that meant they were all different books.

"I thought I would give you first pick," Curtis gave me a wink and I felt the corners of my mouth tugging up. I put the book back into the box, and nervously said, "You mean, I can have all of them?" Curtis beamed, "Of course!" He pushed the box towards me. "I have a few other copies and more are on their way, you can take them all now if you want."

I fiddled with the rim of the box. I wanted to take them so badly, but I was concerned about the cost. I had the money, Le Comte allowed Riley, Olive and myself an unlimited budget but I felt guilty when I spent a lot. I chewed on my lip and Curtis noticed my apprehension. "You know, you're my best customer and a great kid, I'll give you a discount."

I was baffled by the sudden gesture. Curtis was very kind, but giving me a discount on probably hundreds of dollars worth of books? Was he stupid!? I raised my hands defensively, not even asking how big the discount was. "I could never do that! I'll just take a few now and- and I'll come back later," I trailed off, fiddling with my fingers. His smile seemed to get bigger until his eyes were barely visible through their squint.

"This collection is worth 270 euros, I'll give it to you for 230. I'm aware you feel guilty when it comes to spending, but I doubt this will affect the Comte much." Ah, right. Basically, everyone in town knew I lived at the mansion. Whenever I was in town or at some fancy party, even just going to the pub, one of the vampires was accompanying me. Comte, the rich bitch, was also well known for having money as a nobleman should and everyone knew how he enjoyed spoiling me and the others. I chewed at the inside of my cheek, then I reached into my pocket.

"You're too kind, Mr Aubert. Thank you," I smiled gratefully as I counted the notes and handed them to him. He chuckled, realising I would never use his first name. I picked up the box, it was heavy but I could manage, I would just need to get a carriage. Curtis watched me carefully as I carried the box out of the shop. He offered to call me a carriage but I passed, I didn't want to burden him. I hailed a carriage by myself, placing the box in before myself. Just as I went to step in, I noticed a blue rose on the ground. Curious, I picked it up and examined it. Blue roses were rare and expensive, someone wouldn't just drop one and leave it surely. I looked around and noticed a florist cart moving away. In the cart happened to be a bunch of blue roses!

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